Sunday, 13th November, 2016
Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 2: 9-10.
Memory Verse:But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3 (NKJV)
Hair style can be defined as the way a person’s hair is cut {hair cut} or arranged {hair do}. Hairstylist is the person who styles the hair.
A young handsome guy entered into a Church sometimes ago just after the New Year celebration putting on a “fried hair”. He caught my attention immediately but, I resisted the urge to immediately approach or challenge him. As God would have it, towards the end of the service, he came to a room where I was; then I called him aside, to have a word with him. He said he copied the hair cut of one musician.
Shall we borrow the hair style of the world when Jesus is our role model? ‘Follow me’, Jesus said in Matthew 4:19. We are to follow Jesus and not make a movie or music star our role model or idol.
Moreover, some things are just socially unacceptable. Don’t forget that you will be addressed the way you’re dressed.
Key Point: Let your hair style reflect Christ.
Prayer Point:
- Holy Spirit, baptize me with your mindset. I don’t want to fall victim of the ever changing trend of the world system.
- My Father, deliver me from the world, its affections and lust, in Jesus name.