Wednesday, 19th February, 2025 Bible Reading: Ephesians 5: 21-33 Memory Verse: Honour Christ by submitting to each other. Ephesians 5:21 (TLB) A message on having great home credited
Wednesday, 19th February, 2025 Bible Reading: Ephesians 5: 21-33 Memory Verse: Honour Christ by submitting to each other. Ephesians 5:21 (TLB) A message on having great home credited
It is possible to be anointed but rebellious. It is possible to be filled with gifts of the Spirit without the fruit of the Spirit at work. It is possible to be sound in doctrine but not sound in character. No wonder Jesus brought the disciples to himself first to be taught before being sent…
Impartation does not leave us without any responsibility. Apostle Paul, speaking in 2 Timothy 1:6 (ESV) wrote, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” Apostle Paul meant that Timothy should deploy what he has imparted in him…
It is true that God gives life and takes it away, but sometimes, people—like Judas—play a tragic role! “My father’s trust and respect for Dr. Saka, who happened to be one of his best friends, led to his early grave. My dad doesn’t need your mourning today…
A write-up credited to Apostle Nebai Ogbonna said: Loyalty is a non-denominational currency with a trilateral value. In Heaven, loyalty has a purchasing power. On Earth, loyalty has a purchasing power. In the dark world, loyalty has a purchasing power…
Loyalty is a person’s devotion or attachment to a cause, person, group, or ideal. It can also be defined as the act of binding oneself to a course of action or a solemn commitment to a purpose. Loyalty is often characterized by a steadfast faithfulness that resists temptation to betray, desert, or renounce…
Loyalty is the virtue of being committed to an idea, a person, or a cause regardless of the difficulty involved in your commitment. Loyalty is not directed by emotions but convictions. Loyalty is obedience taken a bit further. Are you loyal to God? Are you loyal to spreading the Gospel of Christ?…
Daddy Mike Bamiloye said: When I got married, I didn’t have any money to take my wife to honeymoon. We stayed in the house that we just rented. No money for honeymoon. It was my big sister that rented the flat for me so that I would not bring my wife to her house…
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus was a hymn inspired by the dying message of Dudley Tyng, a young preacher in Philadelphia who was forced to resign from his Episcopal church pastorate for speaking against slavery in the mid-1800s…
1. On vision: Every vision, purpose, or destiny that must see the light of the day must pass through a baptism of fire – Dr Paul Enenche…
After her first surgery, Crystal went back to Mombasa and fell into a depression for about 10 months. She went about partying and drinking to wade off the depression. During this time, she had suicidal thoughts. One night, she had a dream that proved to be the turning point for her…
This Year 2025, you shall not lack men and women that will partner with you to fulfil your vision, in Jesus name. Such men include…