It was William Shakespeare who said, “Honesty is the best policy. If I lose mine honor, I lose myself.” When your children take sweet from your bag, soft drink from the fridge, money from your drawer, etc, without adequate permission, you unconsciously program them for a life time of dishonesty. “Honesty is of God and dishonesty of the devil; the devil was a liar from the beginning” so says Joseph B. Wirthlin. Thomas Jefferson opined, “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom”. A Yiddish proverb says, “A half truth is a whole lie.” Emmanuel Tuloe is the name of an 18-year-old school dropout who makes a living as a bike rider. The young adult found $50,000 (#20,543,500) on the road and returned it. He found the money wrapped in a plastic bag on the highway. Emmanuel said he was afraid because it was plenty so he took it home to his aunty until the owner asked for it. He was said to have been showered with gifts by the owner of the huge sum who happened to be a businesswoman. The story of his honesty went viral and got to the hearing of the President of Liberia, Mr George Weah who also rewarded Emmanuel handsomely. President Weah gifted the young man $10,000 (#4,119,000). In addition, Emmanuel was offered scholarship up to master’s level to study in any Liberian institution of his choice, he was given two motorcycles, and a chance to work in the President’s office. Speaking in a meeting with the honest lad, the president also announced plans to bestow on Emmanuel one of Liberia’s Highest Orders of Distinction while affirming that the scholarship will continue whether he remains in power or not. “This scholarship is personal from me and my family, and will be valid whether or not I am President of Liberia,” the President said. Train your children to be honest in their dealings no matter their condition. Be honest in plenty and in poverty. God gave Emmanuel a little test, he passed, and it created a future as well as a fortune for Him. No matter how bad a people are, there is still a remnant who will not bow down to Baal or Babylon. Will you pass the honesty test?…