Dobido, a very intelligent JS2 student from a wealthy family of eight children resumes back from holiday not later than two weeks after his school’s official resumption date…
Dobido, a very intelligent JS2 student from a wealthy family of eight children resumes back from holiday not later than two weeks after his school’s official resumption date…
Having said my early morning prayers, I decided to update myself on the recent happenings all over the world with particular emphasis on Nigeria…
Words form thought in our heart. A thought when processed develop into an habit. Habit when practiced often, soon becomes our character…
Laura, a rape victim, tells her story: “I was raped when I was 13 years old on my way back from a tutorial class…
Be assertive. There is no need to be polite when anyone is making unwanted sexual advances. Firmly tell the person “No”. Learn to say no!…
Be careful of those you call your friends especially if you haven’t known them for too long…
Abstinence mindset: You have heard “play safe” but now I say unto you “zip up”…
Low self esteem: A teen mother may begin to see herself as inferior if not properly helped…
Every pregnant teen will have to leave school for at least one year for obvious reasons- to take care of herself and the baby before and after birth. This is incredible…
Peer pressures: Do you have friends that don’t stay in the hostel at night or during the weekend? They resume to motels and various guest houses…
Thank God for the preservation of our lives this day. We shall continue from where we stopped yesterday.
Everything changed for me in the tenth grade, one unforgettable night at school. I was 15…