This rush generation! This “ice cream” Christianity!! This Now-Now type of life!!! Many who are in God’s waiting list are getting tired and frustrated. Some have decided to result to witchcraft. Witchcraft thrives on…
This rush generation! This “ice cream” Christianity!! This Now-Now type of life!!! Many who are in God’s waiting list are getting tired and frustrated. Some have decided to result to witchcraft. Witchcraft thrives on…
Witnessing is when someone who has tasted God testifies to another that God tastes good. Credible witnesses always use simple evidence. Don’t complicate it. Your testimony of what God has done for you is simple…
Amy Beatrice Carmichael (16 December 1867 – 18 January 1951) became a Christian at age 15. She was a Christian missionary in India for 55 years. She opened an orphanage there and founded a mission in Dohnavur. On…
Imagine if Naaman, captain of the host of Syria had built a wall around himself making himself inaccessible to the ministry of his servants. Imagine if he was lost in the euphoria of being a celebrity. Surely, he wouldn’t ever…
One thing you cannot take away from the Saints of old is their selflessness. Contrarily, this is where many Christians in this generation are getting it wrong. It was St. Francis of Assisi who said: “Lord, make me an instrument…
In Genesis 15:12-14, God told Abraham explicitly that his seeds shall be afflicted for 400 years and afterwards come out with great substance. To the natural man thinks: Fine, God has spoken, I shall wait for the elapse of the…
God SOMETIMES uses delay to prevent His own from imminent destruction and at other times, to prepare His own for a higher calling or blessings. Many times, it seems the greater the promise, the longer the period of…
How much money has come into your hands this year? If you can’t account for it, you are probably on the path to penury. Shout: God forbid. But, there are certain things God will not come down to do for you. With prayers, you…
There is a criteria for evaluating and scoring any University student who is standing before a panel of judges for a final year project defense. There is a column and mark for dressing, presentation of project, answers to…
It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that”. Have you ever met a man who gave love instead of hatred? Habila…
On November 28, 2012 Habila Adamu was shot in front of his wife and 6-year-old child. Four heavily armed members of the Boko Haram terrorist sect brought him to the front of his house and asked him if he was ready to…
E. James Rohn opined, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals.” Consistency is the ability to remain the same in behaviour, attitude, or…