Do you mind cleaning the drainage in front of your mum’s shop and stop heaping dirts in the neighbourhood…
Do you mind cleaning the drainage in front of your mum’s shop and stop heaping dirts in the neighbourhood…
“Change starts with you. When you step up, you invite others to step up, too.”- Mandy Hale…
Like our beloved country, Nigeria, something good is happening in a country in East Africa with the newly elected president…
Jimmy Carter began teaching Sunday school as a teenager by age 18 at the Naval Academy cadet…
The lack of Christians taking an active position in government leads to the increase in corruption, crime, lawlessness and anarchy…
Oxford dictionary defines transformation as a marked change in form, nature or appearance…
By national decadence we mean the decay in standard, morals, dignity, religious faith or skill of the people in a nation…
Your must be born again: It all starts with a committed relationship with the Lamb of God. Samuel, Daniel, & David – they all knew God…
Daniel was captured to Babylon at a tender age of 17 years. He and his other friends boldly said, “We cannot sing the Lord’s song in a strange land …
David knew his God personally and must have had series of experiences with the God of Israel in his closet…
Personal encounter is a definite and life – defining experience a person has with His Creator…
Stones in the quarry are dead things. They are not living! Not until Adam fell into a deep sleep,…