DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Saturday, 19th November, 2016.

Memory Verse: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5(NKJV)

Stones in the quarry are dead things. They are not living! Not until Adam fell into a deep sleep, God couldn’t perform a surgical operation on his ribs, bringing out Eve (Gen 2:21-23).

In the same vein, not until we as students are completely dead to ourselves, and lost in God’s Will, nothing exceptional may come out of our lives.

Stones don’t dictate the size it must be cut into. We must learn not to struggle or dictate for our God in all matters. I’m praying that God will bring you to a point where you’ll be dead to yourself.

What informed the choice of whether you’ll go to a Science, Arts or Commercial class? Man or God? Are planning to travel out after your SSCE to study abroad? As noble as the dream seems to be, are you sure God wants you there? You plan to study Architecture, Applied Physics, Medicine or Engineering. Says who?  God or Man.

Anything founded by the Flesh no matter how good, will not stand the test of time.

Key Point:   Surrender All To Jesus.

Prayer points

  1. My Father conquer Self in me, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Holy Spirit, help me to yield totally to your leading, in the name of Jesus.

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