DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Friday, 26th February, 2021

Bible Reading: Matthew 24: 13-14

MemoryVerse: But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction Job 36:15 (NIV)

Amy Beatrice Carmichael (16 December 1867 – 18 January 1951) became a Christian at age 15. She was a Christian missionary in India for 55 years. She opened an orphanage there and founded a mission in Dohnavur. On October 24, 1931, Amy Carmichael prayed, “God, please do with me whatever you want. Do anything that will help me to serve you better.” As a missionary to India and a mother to the many Indian children she had rescued from prostitution at pagan temples,

Amy was accustomed to praying and trusting God for the outcome. Later that same day, she dislocated an ankle and broke her leg. Because of the complications, Amy became hopelessly crippled and spent most of the next twenty years confined to her room. But, Amy didn’t waste time brooding over her condition. She REFOCUSED HER ENERGIES towards writing and encouraging the saints around the world. She sent thousands of letters from her bed, authored thirteen books, and wrote beautiful poetry. This is a very important lesson. Life sometimes spring up surprises.

Brethren, if your name must be immortalized on earth and written in the hall of fame in heaven, there is a cross to carry, a burden to bear. Fight forward. Amy became crippled, yet her wounds brought her closer to God. She walked in sweet fellowship with a Saviour she had come to understand better because of her scar.

A CALL TO MISSION WORK: While serving in India, Amy received a letter from a young lady who was considering life as a missionary. She asked Amy, “What is missionary life like?” Amy wrote back saying simply, “Missionary life is simply a chance to die for Christ.” She meant death to your flesh, personal ambitions, lofty opportunities, desires, will, and even physical death if Christ permits. Missionary work has been neglected in most modern day churches of today because it is a ministry of valiant soldiers of Christ ready to spend and be spent for the Master. Would you enrol in mission work today?

Quote by Amy: It is a safe thing to trust God to fulfill the desire that He creates.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to lay all on the altar today, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for the life of the Saints of old.

2. O Lord, set our heart for missionary work anywhere you will bid us, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to dedicate my life to God in Christian missions, in Jesus name.

4. The cares of this world shall not deter me from pursuing the great commission, in Jesus name.

5. Altars speaking against the establishment of the gospel, catch fire, in Jesus name.


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