DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Monday, 21st February, 2022

Bible Reading: Psalm 42: 1-3, 7

Memory VerseDeep waters call out to what is deeper still; at the roar of your waterfalls all your breakers and your waves swirled over me. Psalm42:7(ISV)

Aren’t you tired of surface Christianity? Desire to go deeper in the Lord. Prophet Micaiah was that special prophet who entered a deeper realm with God. All 400 prophets except him were deceived by a lying spirit (2 Chron.18: 1-27). He saw deeper. Like Daniel, he did not allow the dainties of the king to blind his spiritual sight. He had ears that could pick the signals of heaven with utmost precision. He had eyes to see God on the throne with the council of heaven. He had spiritual legs to walk into the corridors of heavens and partake of her inner caucus meeting. What a prophet! Furthermore, deeper realm is a life of faith that defies human understanding. In the battle against the Amorites in Joshua 10: 12 -14, Joshua commanded the sun to stand still upon Gibeon, and the moon to stand still upon the valley of Ajalon. God changed the systems of heaven to accommodate one man’s prayers. Deeper realms also talks about an uncommon operation in the miraculous. Imagine Peter’s shadow healing the sick, and the handkerchief from Apostle Paul’s body working wonders. These are men who have pressed into the inner chambers of the Almighty. Dear choir master, thank God for your ministrations. But, when will you start receiving songs from the mouth of the cherubims of heaven? Dear business man, when will you unlock the heart of the Master for uncommon business secrets and innovation that will stand out and  glorify the name of the Lord amongst your associates? Dear student, do you know you can work with God such that you will know the mind of your examiners before the day of your examination? The numerous challenges some couples are facing will not come to an end until God shows them something specific (deeper) from heaven. Don’t remain on the surface, go deeper. The best of God is reserved for those who diligently search it out in His Word, heart-felt prayers, deep study in their relevant field, meditation, mentorship, and revelation.

Quote:  There’s got to be more – TommyTenny

Prophetic Decree: Any wall of partition between you and your next level shall be pulled down, in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for taking me deeper in power and wisdom.

2. O Lord, I am available. Please take me deeper in fellowship and love, in Jesus name.

3. I plug into the realm of uncommon power to work in new dimensions of the miraculous, in Jesus name.

4. Upon Mount Zion, I shall receive my deliverance and I shall possess my possessions, in Jesus name.

5. I command any witchcraft veil  that is preventing me from seeing Jesus to catch fire, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Leviticus 24-25

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