DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Tuesday, 22nd February, 2022

Bible Reading: Genesis 2: 21-25

Memory Verse:  Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. Ecclesiastes 4:9 (KJV)

Pastor Olumide Oni was impotent from childhood. His grandmother who happened to be a prophetess called him when he was 12 years old to tell him that there is the calling of God upon his life and warned him seriously against premarital sex. To prevent such, she told him that God made him impotent but He will restore him at the right time. Soon afterwards, she died. Pastor Oni began his journey into ministry serving the Lord fervently despite his challenge. Brethren, if you don’t lose yourself unto God, you may never find the real you. God showed him his wife and he proposed to her. He also told her of his predicament. This, many wicked and insincere Christian brothers and sisters will not do. Amazingly, she accepted his proposal and took God for His words. Guess what? Right there before the altar on his wedding day he began to have this strange stomach problem. He told the officiating officers to quickly round off. When he got to the room, a miracle had happened. For the first time in his life, he had an erection! Such is the mystery of marriage. Some things will not happen until some certain definite divine instructions are obeyed to the fullest. Many prophecies hanging over your head will never come to pass until you fulfill some definite prerequisites. I once shared with you the story of a young lady with an hunch back. Suddenly, this strange brother appeared saying she was God’s perfect will for her. Even his Pastor tried to talk him out of the relationship but he was adamant. May you begin to hear God for yourself, in Jesus name. Brethren, even Prophet Samuel “saw men like trees” when he got to the house of Jesse. He almost anointed Eliab instead of David as king. Receive back your spiritual sight, in Jesus name. The couple got married and soon, the lady got pregnant. On the day she was to deliver, she was delivered of a bouncing baby child, and another black mysterious substance. Soon, like a deflated balloon, her hunch back disappeared. Her deliverance was tied to her marriage, and consequently her delivery. There are mysteries in this world. Can I use this opportunity to make a very special appeal to parents especially in certain tribes to please make marriage affordable for their children. Can we please stop this exorbitant price attached to marriage ceremony. Many destinies are tied down in their parents’ house not because there aren’t suitors but because of the exorbitant prices the suitors must pay as bride price, and other engagement cost. Not until some people get married even the financial breakthrough they are looking for may never happen. Cut your coat according to your size per time. These are some of the mysteries of marriage.

Quote: Your destiny may never be complete until you are married.

Prophetic Decree:  Let the caterpillar of heaven bulldoze all the obstacles on the way of your marriage, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. The Holy One of Zion, I worship You .

2. My stolen wedding gown, be released, in Jesus name.

3. Anti-marital altars of my parents’ house, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. I break every wall of resistance to my children’s marriage, in Jesus name.

5. All those who are ripe for marriage and are being tied down in their parents’ house, receive your total deliverance, in Jesus name.

6. Anti-marriage covenants of my father’s house, break, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Leviticus 26-27

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