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Tue May 2, 2017

Bible reading:  Luke 22:31-33

Memory Verse:  “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool”. Isaiah 1:18(NIV)

Michael Smith is an American who has been in the Christian music industry for about 34 years. He is a three-time Grammy Award winner.  He is a General in the Gospel music alongside with Don Moen and Ron Kenoly.  Smith became a Christian when he was 10 years old. He was sitting with all his friends and something happened. It was like an epiphany (a sudden revelation). He says, “Jesus really is who He said He is.”

But that faith journey later briefly derailed, with Smith falling back into what he called a “crazy drug phase” — a four- year period in the late 1970s during which he said that he almost lost his life. He smoked marijuana, drinking, and taking some other drugs.

“I lost my way,” he said. “Still, to this day, I can’t believe I did drugs for four years and got deceived and almost died a couple of times.” He believes he should have been dead.

In November 1979, Smith suffered a breakdown that led to his recommitment to Christianity. He appreciates his parents for praying and standing by him throughout the ordeal.

“I felt like the God of the universe just came down and laid on the floor with me,” he said. “I knew I was going to lose my life if something didn’t change. I was stuck.”

If God can use a once backslidden man who got himself into drugs, then I believe He can use you despite your tattered garment of sin, cover you with His glory and give your life an eternal meaning. You have wallowed in sin for so long; why not give Jesus a chance. Stop this one leg in Christ and one leg in the world. Completely surrender to your Maker.

Quote: The most important question concerning any man living is … Is he a child of God or an heir of wrath? –Spurgeon

Prophetic Word: The death of Jesus for your sins shall not be in vain, in Jesus name. 

Prayer point:

  1. Father, I come before you as I am, come into my life. Wash me with Blood of Jesus. Write my name in the Book of life. Keep me ever standing for you, in Jesus name.
  2. The Power of sin and hell shall not crush my destiny, in Jesus name.
  3.  I reject and renounce backsliding spirit, in Jesus name.

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