DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Thursday, 15th February, 2018.

Bible Reading: John 2:12-17

Memory Verse:  He told those who were selling doves, “Get these things out of here! Stop turning My Father’s house into a marketplace!” John 2:17 (HCSB)

We shall continue to study the various bad habits common in the house of God.

  1. Spraying of money: You are not in a disco party but in the tabernacle of the Lord of host. Give God some reverence.
  2. Comedians on the Altar: This is one great desecration brought to the altar of God. You cannot be making jest on a sanctified altar and expect the power to heal the sick and to raise the dead come from such altar at the same time. Anyone who does this abominable act or supports risk the wrath of God. Ask Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1-3). Never commonize holy things. Pastors are expected to make the presence of God real to the people. Stop this abomination!
  3. Hawking inside the temple: A woman once opened her bag during offering only to start advertising perfumes. It is very embarrassing how Christians belittle the things of God. Jesus chased those buying and selling out of the temple.
  4. Vagabond movement: When you come for service, avoid walking about. If you must go out during a service, make sure you sit near the entrance. Do not distract other people.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Leviticus 8 – 10

Quote: The sanctuary must never be used as a mortuary.

Prophetic Decree: You will not die like Nadab and Abihu, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

1. Father forgive me of my arrogance and ignorance, in Jesus name.

2. I repent of any strange fire I ever rendered unto the Lord, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, help me to reverence you more and more, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, heal the body of Christ, in Jesus name.

5. By your fire, Lord, purge your sanctuary, in Jesus name.

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