DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Tuesday, 21st September, 2021

Bible Reading: Micah 7:8, Romans 8: 1-2, 1 Peter 2:9

Memory Verse: Though a righteous person falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin. Proverbs 24:16 (CSB)

A mistake free life is almost impossible due to the fallible human nature. Are you willing to grow? Are you willing to become the best in your field? Are you willing to explore new opportunities? Then, you should get ready to learn the ropes, make some few mistakes, dust off yourself, and fly again. Oh, it is time to fly! The race of life is a marathon. So many things are bound to happen on the way that will add to your experience in life. Even if you don’t look for trouble, trouble will come looking for you.
Similarly, if you don’t fall into some mistakes, others may robe you into theirs. However, one thing is sure as stated in the Scriptures, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Rom. 8:37 (NKJV). Stop brooding over your past mistakes. Yes, it could have caused you some hear aches. Learn the lessons, get back on your lane and fly again. The virtue of patience, perseverance and resilience are developed in such seasons of life. That is why you have the Holy Spirit.
When some people fall, they brood over their mistakes for years, they complain, they transfer blame, they fall into pity party, etc. Many spend the remaining days of their lives reminiscing about what went wrong, why they did what they did, why they acted foolishly, why they could have done better, etc. Stop asking why? God knows best. Not all questions in life have got answers, but God surely has all solutions to the questions of life. They simply allow the devil to use their past to sow tares of unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, malice and hurt into their hearts. These are all food for demons who are all out to damage your self-esteem, rubbish your self-worth, and puncture your self-image.
You might have failed, but you are not a failure. No, you can never be. You might have failed, but you mustn’t be defeated. Your mistakes and failures are all events. They mustn’t define you. You are still the mirror image of who the Bible says you are. You are a holy nation. You are a peculiar people. You are prepared to show forth the glory of a soon coming king on earth. The Bible says even the righteous fall seven times but rises up again. In this kingdom, we don’t stay defeated. Learn from your past mistakes no matter its grievous consequences. Repent and restitute to free yourself from all guilt and condemnation. Now, begin to fly again. You are born to reign. See you at the top. Cheers.
Quote: Your mistakes must not define you.
Prophetic Decree: Receive power to break out of the shackles of your mistakes, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus

  1. The most excellent Jesus, we thank You.
  2. Father Lord, do with my life what you have chosen to do from the foundations of the earth.
  3. I break out from the prison of my past, in Jesus name.
  4. I reject and renounce the spirit of shame, guilt and self-condemnation, in Jesus name.
  5. I receive the spirit of perseverance and resilience to win the race of life, in Jesus name.
    BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Zechariah 1-7

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