Monday, 7th February, 2022
Bible Reading: Job 12:7-8, Psalm 104:12
Memory Verse: I know every bird in the mountains, and the insects in the fields are mine. Psalm 50: 11 (NIV)
A Professor was deported. He was extradited from abroad where he used to live. While in Nigeria, he sold all his landed properties. He noticed a strange occurrence when he finally retired home. Very early in the morning, a strange bird comes close to his window and calls his native name. Luckily, he had a friend who understood the ministry of deliverance. Red hot prophetic foundational prayers started. Today, to the glory of God, the ministry of the evil bird over his life has been terminated, and he has been restored back abroad. Any evil bird calling you from grace to grass shall die shamefully, in Jesus name. In another case, a young school girl from a praying family was sent to a boarding school. There was this particular bird that always disturbs the dormitory.
This particular night, she caught the bird and locked it up in her locker. Early the next morning, one of her hostel mates wouldn’t wake up from sleep though she was still breathing. Members of staff including the principal joined in waking this girl all to no avail despite pouring water on her. All of a sudden, the young Christian girl remembered the bird. “What has a bird got to do with this?,” everyone asked. As soon as she opened her locker, the bird flew straight to the sleeping girl, pecked her forehead three times, and she jerked back to life. Mysteries! That means an animal could be used to represent a human being. It will interest you to know that spiritually, and even physically, animals, trees, inanimate objects e.g. bottles, etc, can be remotely programmed to represent a human being. Furthermore, many years ago, as prayers was going on in the headquarters of a particular Church in the midnight, a strange bird suddenly fell and changed to an elderly woman. She was on an evil assignment to a neighbouring campus to initiate the students into witchcraft. Mysteries! It is time to pray.
Quote: The power of God can demystify any mystery.
Prophetic Decree: Environmental witchcraft bird, collide with the Rock of Ages and die, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Father because of the power in the name of Jesus.
2. Any witchcraft sponsored bird in my environment, catch fire, in Jesus name.
3. Any animal representing me, physically and/or spiritually, your time is up, release my fortune and die, in Jesus name.
4. My virtues inside any evil animal, come out by fire, in Jesus name.
5. I retract my spirit living inside any animal, in Jesus name.
6. Any bird flying for my sake in my office, school, environment, catch fire, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 25-27