DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Monday, 9th May, 2022

Bible Reading: Luke 2: 25-32, 36-38

Memory VerseOh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives. Galatians 4:19 (NLT)

Thank God for prominent people like David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, Martin Luther, Charles Finney, etc. But, do you know there could be other kingdom labourers who, in the sovereign will of God where not as prominent yet very significant in advancing the kingdom? Men such as Father Nash and Abel Clary.

Thank God for all Pastors, ushers, protocols, etc, who make the day to day running of our Churches smooth. But, do you know that the life wire of your Church may be that often despised widow who has dedicated her life to interceeding for your Church? Some Pastors could have fallen like a pack of cards never to rise anymore if not for such people.

There were two people in the scriptures who prayerfully birthed our Lord and saviour. One called Simeon and the other called Anna, the prophetess. They dedicated their lives praying and fasting until the saviour of the earth was born. As powerful as Jesus was, He needed “spiritual parents” who will birth him into the manifestation of the prophecies that had been written. Behold, silent labourers!

If you are sincere with yourself as a man of God, you will observe that there are certain days God came down very powerfully in services you least prepared for. I hope you are humble enough to know that you may be a product of a contagious grace powered by a silent labourer in your Church who was on the altar of prayers for that particular service?

Many children don’t know how spiritually frail they are until one of their parents die. Then, such will realize that his parent had been the priest on the altar of his life controlling the traffic of blessings he has being enjoying. Silent labourers!

In conclusion, I have come to realize that not all that glitter is gold. Not all that are prominent are significant. Despise no one, whether young or old. May the Lord grant you understanding.

Quote: Not everything that is prominent is significant. 

Prophetic Decree:  Your destiny will not lack silent labourers, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for the gift of men.

2. My Father, raise up men like Hur and Aaron for my Moses, in Jesus name.

3. Where is the Barnabas to my Paul? Appear by fire, in Jesus name.

4. My destiny shall not lack men and women who will birth my prophecies into manifestation, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, if working in the background will please You, help me Lord to comply, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   2 Samuel 8-9; 1 Chronicles 18

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