DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Sunday, 5th June, 2022

Bible Reading:  Zechariah 3: 1-6, Songs of Solomon 2:15

Memory Verse:  Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the Angel. Zechariah 3:3 (NKJV)

Lord, please help your Church. Consider this anomaly:

1. His tongues are deep and brutal in prayer. Everyone hailed his fine voice but no one knows he is struggling with masturbation as a secret sin.

2. He preaches publicly against the same thing he struggles with in the secret. He has become a public success but private failure. He needs help.

3. The man behind the pulpit is a sex addict. He is struggling but no one knows.

4. The beautiful chorister on the microphone watch pornography every night to satisfy her lust. She wishes to stop, but sadly, she can’t break free. Ironically, she lays hands on people’s head every Sunday and they receive their healings.

5. She blast in tongues like a multipurpose machine gun. She is an aggressive prayer warrior but dying deep down because she’s struggling with masturbation.

6. They both have a nice voice but they both struggle with immorality. Everyone knows them as choir master and choir mistress but they are abortionist.

7. He is the Pastor with great anointing. No one knows but he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The deliverer now needs deliverance.

8. He always use the word “bless you brother” on everyone. He was the leader of the campus fellowship but little did anyone know that he is a gay.

9. He was very active in Church. A leader of one of the Church groups. Recently, the CCTV camera revealed he was the one who stole the missing money from the offering box.

10. He performs miracles every day, but secretly has a lady who has a child for him outside wedlock.

She hates it. He hates it. But they just can’t stop and no one knows that they have a sore underneath their garments. They look good on Sunday. They supposedly lift up holy hands in deceit. They are pure on Sundays but corrupt on other days yet no one knows. Worldwide Prophet, Apostle, bishop, evangelist, gospel artist, group leader, and campus executive, let us deal with our secret sins. How? Humble yourself before God. Repent of your sins. Confess them openly. Burn the bridge to prevent reoccurrence. Engage the ministry of deliverance.

Quote: The only way to deal with secret sins is to confess them openly – Proverbs 28:13

Prophetic Decree: Your secret sins shall be turned to open victory, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord I’m sorry for bringing shame to your holy name.

2. Merciful Father, please deliver me from secret sins.

3. Powers that have vowed to rubbish my testimony, be wasted, in Jesus mighty name.

4. Powers that have vowed to make me a public celebrity but private nonentity before God, die by fire, in Jesus name.

5. Activities of cryptic demons in my foundation, die, in Jesus name.

6. O Lord, please deliver me from the sin that easily besets me, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 7-9b

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