DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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1. When you are sick, it is adviceable you don’t fast.

2. When you are fasting and you become unwell, you may have to break the fast immediately and treat yourself because it is only the living that can fast.

3. If you are a preacher and you are not strong enough to preach, don’t force yourself to impress your members. Don’t pretend to be a super-man. Allow someone else to preach. If you die on the pulpit, your members will be the first to say “I told him to be resting, he refused”. Only the living can preach.

4. If you are sick and you are trusting God for your healing by faith, if after three days, you are not getting better, please take medications even as you continue your faith declaration.

5. If you are on a dry fast and you discovered that you are losing strength and stamina, please drink water and probably break your dry fast. You can try at another time.

6. Don’t die before your time because of unnecessary competition with a fellow pastor.

7. If you are ageing and all-night prayers is having an effect on your health, you may have to reduce it while you maximize the day time for more effective prayers.

8. If your wife or children is sick at home, don’t leave the person unattended to and rush to church. Learn to delegate. God is FIRST. Family is SECOND. Church, etc is THIRD.

9. Always check your sugar level and your blood pressure.

10. If you are told that robbers are operating on the road, park your car somewhere, pray, then hide. Wisdom is profitable to direct.

11. Always remember: WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING (Proverbs 4:7).

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