DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Saturday, 14th January, 2023

Bible Reading: Romans 8:15; 12:11

Memory Verse: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Shall we consider two more habits we must war against: 

6. Fear (2 Timothy 1: 7): This is another negative habit many times sponsored by a demon from hell which you must avoid if you must ever achieve great things. Fear is an unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined. Perhaps many of our fears are more imagined than real. Some people are afraid of their own shadow. Fear of evil dreams, fear of height, fear of water, fear of evil neighbours, fear of the powers of father’s house, fear of darkness, and fear of a business deal, etc., have crippled many from living their best lives. Be anxious for nothing says the holy scriptures. Why should you have God as your backbone and you are afraid at the same time. No! Fear no fear. Take those calculated risk and trust God to help you with any uncertainties that may arise. The opposite of fear is faith. Fear is faith contaminated. Don’t specialize on what God has commonize. Go live your best life this Year 2023. You need a look heart for a lion share in this life. Embrace faith, discard fear. Fear is acronymed False Evidence Appearing Real. 

7. Laziness (Prov. 6: 6-11): Perhaps this is the foremost twin brother of procrastination. Laziness in spiritual disciplines such as regular time of prayers, fasting, evangelism, etc, will do your life more evil than good. Mental laziness will cripple your innovative power. Some people are so lazy that they don’t want to do any serious thinking. Sometimes, you just have to think a problem through for solutions. A Father in the Lord has a secluded place where he usually go to think a problem through. Even unbelievers understand the power of the human mind. How much more you, a Christian with the mind of Christ? Do you want good grades? Work hard in your studies. Do you want career success? Work smart on your job. Work hard. Work Smart. Work Graciously. 

Quote: Little foxes spoils the vineyard – Song of Solomon 2:15

Prophetic Decree: Receive your deliverance from the spirit of fear and laziness this Year 2023, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father of all flesh.

2. I receive my deliverance from the fear of the unknown, in Jesus’ name.

3. I break out from the fear that has kept my life at a particular spot, in Jesus’ name.

4. I receive grace to be diligent and self-motivated by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

5. Spirit of might fall upon me, in Jesus mighty name.


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