DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Saturday, 25th February, 2023

Bible Reading: Matthew 24:35

Memory Verse: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35 (CSB)

  1.  The Bible recommends in Genesis 17:12 that children are to be circumcised on the 8th day. Science is now discovering that the 8th day is the highest peak of the hormone that will help immunity in the body. 
  •  The world is trying to get out of COVID-19, but long before medical science discovered anything like quarantine, the quarantine of people with infectious disease was emphasized in the scriptures (Leviticus 13:46). Men did not know about the law of quarantine until the 7th century after many people could have died. “Forever O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven”.
  • In the book of Genesis, light was the first thing God. Next, He created the waters; since plants need light and water. Then, He put together the dry land. It is after all these that He made the plants. He did not make the plants before the sunlight or the water, it was after. So, the plant is actually senior to man in age, because that is where his major food would come from. God did all these before scientists discovered the process of photosynthesis.
  •  Now scientists are discovering that some fats are good and some are not good; that some fats give cholesterol and heart disease, but as far back as the book of Leviticus, God banned His people from eating fat (Leviticus 7:22-24). Before modern day science discovered that saturated fat is not good, it was already in scriptures.
  • Many years ago, people believed (even scientists and geographers then) that the earth was carried by a god called atlas; an idol; or that one large animal was carrying the earth. But if they had bothered to check up the Bible, it had already told us that the earth is floating freely in space. It took thousands of years before scientists and geographers could discover that the earth is actually hanging upon nothing: Whereas the Bible had already told us in Job 26:7. I am telling you about the Word of God being settled in heaven. The Bible remained where it remained and men still came back to acknowledge it. Science did not discover that the earth hangs upon nothing until 1650 AD.

6. It was in the Bible we first read about people washing their hands in running water because of infection. (Leviticus 15:13). As far back as the book of Leviticus this has been written and yet thousands have died, simply because of not washing their hands in running water to wash bacteria away. So, the Bible already recognised the presence of microorganisms as far back as that time.

Quote: Science is a tool of authenticating the settled Word of God in heaven.

Prophetic Decree: You shall fulfill all that is written concerning you, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. (Mention our full name) You shall cooperate with settled Word of God for your life, in Jesus name.

2. Any man or woman manipulating the volume of books that have been written concerning me, be wasted, in Jesus name.

3. Foundational altars fighting the counsel of God for my life, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to know and enforce the perfect will of God for my life, in Jesus name.

5. Forever O Lord, thy Word is settled. My Father, settle me today, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 5-6

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