DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Saturday, 25th March, 2023

Bible Reading: Proverbs 2: 1-5

Memory Verse:  Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Romans 12:11 (NLT)

Dr. Thessalonika Embry is the CEO of Learnday and OneTwentyEdu. At 14, she completed a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology; at 16, she received a Masters degree in Business, and at 19, she earned her Ph.D. in Business Psychology. She designed Learnday, formerly known as Jump the Education Barrier, to help students of all ages shorten the education journey to college. She has written several bestselling books concerning education, business, and investing. Her book, Jump the Education Barrier, has helped many middle and high school students, as well as working professionals, finish accredited college degrees in any major at the college of their choice at an accelerated pace.

Tessa’s mother spoke about her achievement saying her daughter was prepared for the achievement. She said: “Academically and mentally she was prepared for it. And I didn’t want to put a cap on it and hinder her and limit her if she was able to accomplish it. And I just went on and encouraged her to go ahead and make the most of it.” 

Dr. Tessa Embry is a licensed pilot and also an author, she said she started reading and understood college materials at the age of 6 years old and 8 years old. “The first topic that I read about was consciousness in sleeping dreams and about the neurons in the brain and I thought that was very interesting to study,” Tessa recalled.  


1. Parents, please help to discover the destinies of your children right early. Ask God, He will show you. Parents, please don’t be too particular about the course your children must study. Simply help them to discover themselves. You don’t create destiny, you discover itDivine revelation from God, your innate abilities, your talents, your passions, etc., are ingredients to knowing who you are (personal self-discovery). 

2. Dear student, know for sure that early arrival at destiny is a comparative advantage. Be diligent. Be focused. Be determined. Tessa said while her mates are playing video games, usually she was busy studying. No great thing comes without a price.

3. I love this: Tessa is a practicing Christian from a Christian home. Her favourite Bible passage is Proverbs 2: 3-4. You preach a better message if as a Christian you make good grades in school and influence your society for the better.

Quote Instead of controlling the ways people learn, the education system should accommodate for diversity of learning styles – Dr Tessa

Prophetic Decree:  Powers manipulating your star shall die a violent death, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Today, I receive a special consignment of the Spirit of the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom, in Jesus name.

2. Wisdom as of the days of Daniel needed for uncommon great life and academic success, my life is available, in Jesus name.

3. Those waiting to celebrate my failure shall be forced to celebrate my success, in Jesus name.

4. Arrow of foundational academic, career and financial failure, backfire, in Jesus name.

5. Fire of God, consume to failure certificate signed by my ancestors over my progress according to Colossians 2:14, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 9-11

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