DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Wednesday, 21st June 2023

Bible Reading: Acts 2:44-46, John 13:35

Memory Verse: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Bro Bode arrived church some minutes late after Sunday school. Elder Ola noticed him but didn’t say anything till the end of service. Immediately after the service, he walked up to brother Bode and asked, “You came to church late today and I didn’t even see your children in church, what happened?” “Ah, Elder Ola, it’s well”, Bro Bode responded. “No, no, Bro Bode, don’t tell me it’s well when it’s not well, what happened? Why were you late to church and your family didn’t even come?”, Elder questioned. “Ok elder, I have serious financial challenges, we didn’t even eat throughout yesterday because there’s nothing at home.

I left the house around 7am trekking to church. I trekked for 2hrs to arrive here around 9am after the Sunday school”, Bro Bode said. After explaining in tears, Elder Ola held his shoulder and said, “It’s well like you said my brother, the Lord will surely provide. There are too many others who once passed through same thing, their situation has changed now. This government of our country is very hard my brother”. Then, Elder Ola walked away. He has not less than 5,000 naira in his pocket.

At home, he has one bag of rice and over 45 tubers of yam. He has beverages and money saved in the bank. Bro Bode trekked back home, sweating and hungry to meet his hungry wife and children. Brethren, ‘It’s well’ is not an ingredients for cooking soup. ‘The Lord will provide’ is not a paint of rice and cannot refill gas cylinder at home. Yet, we call ourselves the image of God. We forget that God whom we claim to be in His image is love, and love is giving. What will it take you to share what you have with your brethren? Some brethren have kids in schools that pay fees in dollars, yet the man sitting close to them in church can’t even send his kids to a local school in town.

If only the early church in Acts of the apostles will be given the opportunity to watch us for five minutes, they will weep because this is no more the foundation they laid. Our love for money have overshadowed our love for our fellow human. Show a little mercy and kindness. Be an example of the Christ you preach in words and in action. Let us reduce depression. Let us rescue each other. Let us reduce the death of our brethren especially youths who finds it difficult to cope. Take time to check on your family and friends. Feed somebody today. Help someone today. Be like the Christ you profess. On the receiving side, always know that no matter how bad you feel/hurt by your brethren, suicide will never be an option.

QuoteIf you cannot love your brethren whom you see, how then can you love Jesus whom you can’t see?

Prophetic Decree: Receive a heart of love and kindness, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your word of wisdom

2. I receive wisdom to walk in love, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to walk in love, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to put on the garment of love despite yesterday’s hurt and pain caused by my brethren, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, baptize me with your love for my brethren in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9

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