DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023

Bible Reading: Hebrews 7:7

Memory Verse: And without question, the person who has the power to give a blessing is greater than the one who is blessed. Hebrews 7:7 (NLT)

Some people call themselves spiritual men/women yet no one can give them a piece of advice or a scold if they misbehave. Friend, that so-called spirituality may be your greatest downfall if care is not taken. For some people, immediately they became a campus executive, unit leader, fellowship president or parish pastor, their journey into the world of pride began. Watch it before you become another deterrent.

Beloved, some of your destiny package is with your pastor who cannot speak correct English. If you despise him, you may get stranded throughout your lifetime. The Oil that will make you renown in ministry may be with your aged parents who are not even born again. Brethren, this life is a mystery. Don’t ever be proud. The true essence of spirituality is seen in your humility.

Now that you have a bigger ministry than your spiritual father, he can no longer give you instructions. You have forgotten that in the realm of the spirit speed is not the same as depth. Like in the military, there are rankings in the realm of the spirit. Your spiritual father remains your spiritual father even when your ministry has become bigger than his. You don’t choose your spiritual father, you are given from Above. Did you get to choose the parents that gave birth to you physically? Catch wisdom, dear friends.



Quote: In the realm of the spirit, spiritual speed is not always the same as spiritual depth.

Prophetic Decree: Let the fire of God uproot every spiritual pride in your heart, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

1. Foundational spirit of pride, be uprooted, in Jesus name.

2. Dr Jesus, please perform a surgical operation in my heart, in Jesus name.

3. Fire of the Holy Ghost burn every garment of pride in my heart, in Jesus name.

4. I tear the garment of pride and I put on the garment of humility, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 20-21

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