DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Saturday, 9th December 2023

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 1: 1-16

Memory Verse:  Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules2 Timothy 2:5 (NIV)

Have you ever wondered why David is called a man after God’s own heart? The story of the Amalekite who came to share the testimony of the death of Saul to David depicts this. What manner of man won’t be happy that one of his archenemies is dead save David. Brethren, if you must walk with God, you must align your thinking with His. On hearing the outcome of the battle that led to the death of King Saul, his arch-enemy, David burst into tears.

What a heart! Though Saul was an archenemy of his soul, yet David placed highest regard on the anointing of his office. “Why should I rejoice of the death of a king who has the Oil of God upon his head”, he must have thought to himself. There are days your father in the Lord will annoy you and God will tell you to go sow a seed into his life. Believe me, beloved. The issue is not ‘the person’ but ‘the office’ he occupies in the spirit realm. You must honour the office even when you don’t like his habits.

Looking further into the life of David,  I see a man who is not keen for fame or glory. He was dead to the pride of life unlike many of us despite the prophecy hanging over his head as spoken by the mouth of God. He was most willing to ascend the throne of Israel LEGITIMATELY.  

Friends, God has said it does not always mean it will manifest now. Learn to strive lawfully  in order to gain mastery of the prophecy that has gone ahead of you. The dainties of this world, the pleasures of this world, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, must not gain dominion over your soul. I tell you beloved: Many of the things you are looking for are also looking for you, but not this version of you.

A refined version of you built-up in the image and stature of Christ is needed. The glory and the good life you are looking for will come faster to you than expected if you will, like David, die to self and become a man pursuing diligently what matters to the heart of God (Mat.6:33). Selah.

Quote:  Only a dead vessel is qualified for the weight of glory.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to clinch the throne of glory lawfully, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. I receive grace to tap into the mind of God for life and destiny fulfilment, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit, help me to humbly submit myself for a mind renewal daily, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, give me grace to extol the office of your servants more than the weaknesses in their person, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to die daily to self, sin, and worldliness, in Jesus name.

5. Unlike the Amalekite, I refuse to be a bearer of bad news, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Romans 8-10

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