DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Tuesday, 26th December 2023

Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:16, Proverbs 3:27

Memory Verse:   And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

Wikipedia reports that, “Though historians disagree on the exact origin of Boxing Day, it is thought to have grown out of longstanding British traditions of charitable giving and goodwill—practices especially associated with the Christian festival of Saint Stephen’s Day, which is celebrated on December 26.

Traditionally, Boxing Day was used by the rich in Victorian times to box up items they no longer needed to give to the poor. It was also a day that servants would be given time off and thanked for their hard work with a ‘special box’ of treats.

Boxing Day has been a Bank Holiday in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland since 1871. Having this status during the height of the British Empire explains why this holiday is still celebrated in many Commonwealth countries.”

Please permit me to ask you a question? Can you remember the last time you went out of your way to bless anyone? Our generation is becoming so tight fisted, inhumane, and selfish. You do not need to have it all before you extend a hand of fellowship.  

While you are eating and dining at your home on a day like this, some group of people are presently in the rural areas, home for the homeless, home for the disabled, rehabilitation centres,  care homes, etc, communicating the love of Christ in cash and in kind.

Brethren, nothing God created is born to ever live for itself. Until you start to live for others, you may never be fulfilled. Please don’t forget this statement. Money can give a measure of happiness, but in itself cannot give fulfillment. It is what you do with money that really matters.

As a student, you can box a gift for your teacher who taught you for the past 365 days. As children, box a gift for your parents for their oversight. As a parishioner, box a gift for your Pastor.

As a husband, box a gift for your wife, and vice versa. Shall we communicate the love of Christ not just in words but in gifts. Let Jesus be seen in you.

Quote:  Love not only in words but also in gift.

Prophetic Decree: Receive the giving grace, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Father for another opportunity to communicate your love amongst mankind.

2. I break the backbone of stinginess, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, fill my heart with love, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, reveal unto me the project of my prosperity and provide for me the wherewithal to carry it out, in Jesus name.

5. I connect my life to the giving grace, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 John 1 – 5

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