DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Friday, 22nd December 2023

Bible Reading:  Galatians 6:2, Matthew 7:7-8

Memory Verse:  Practice carrying each other’s burdens. In this way you will fulfill the law of the Messiah. Galatians 6:2 (ISV)

There lived a child of God who was passing through a lot of hard times especially in his finances. He went to the Lord and told Him succinctly, “I am serving you diligently, and I trust you to provide for my needs. I will beg no one”.

Things went from bad to worse. On a certain day, the caretaker came and gave him two weeks ultimatum to leave his rented house. Really, they had overstayed their welcome.

They are the longest living tenants of over 10years standing! This child of God subjected his wife who was carrying their first ever pregnancy unto unnecessary stress because he kept too quiet. There is a difference between faith and subtle pride. Doesn’t the Bible say, “We should bear each other’s burden?” in Galatians 6:2.

But, how do I know your burden if you don’t tell me? He didn’t leverage on the goodwill of his fellow brethren nor did he tell any of his Christian friends or pastor. He absconded into an uncompleted building with no good food or shelter. He and his wife became a good meal for mosquitoes.  

Friends, please if you are in need, kindly ask for help. Don’t die in silence. Asking for help does not mean you are a beggar. Rather, it means you are capable of humbling yourself at a transient season of your life. You need not bother if a few people mock, ignore you or feel pity for you. Your story unto the city of your Glory is being written.

It is Christmas season, please position yourself for favour if you need help. Can I shock you? There was a season in my life where I had to go to the house of my pastor with my wife and three-month-old baby to celebrate Christmas.

Today, we thank God for God’s hand of power well able to lift the poor from the dust, and the needy from the dunghill, to set them amongst the princes and even the princes of his own people (Psalm 113:7, 1 Samuel 2:8).

QuoteSilence atimes may not be golden. Ask and ye shall be given. 

Prophetic Decree: Let the wind of heaven bring supplies from the four corners of the earth unto you, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. I repent of all subtle pride camouflaged as faith, in Jesus name.

2. In this season, Jehovah Jireh shall abundantly meet my needs, in Jesus name.

3. I receive the wisdom of God to navigate times and seasons, in Jesus name.

4. My life shall not lack burden bearers, in Jesus name.

5. Before I call, God will answer; and while I yet speak, God will hear, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Hebrews 7-10

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