DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Thursday, 18th January 2024

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:18
Memory Verse:  ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:9 (NKJV)

I had an experience in my primary school. I did exceptionally well coming out with a score close to 90% in a particular term. The next term, I became complacent thinking I could replicate such feat without putting in the same effort. You know, life is a teacher. Life will keep teaching you until you learn. Refuse to recycle a lesson of pain. Like Laban said, “I have learnt by experience.”

Complacency is the devil of your next level. To be complacent means to be self-satisfied. Like wine on its dregs, after the order of the children of Moab in Jeremiah 48:11, many are settled in the valley of complacency. Many have settled for status quo which is fast becoming obsolete.

Have you wondered why the scriptures often talk about the latter rain and not only about the former rain? Infact, the Bible states categorically that the glory of this present house shall be greater than that of the former.

Do you remember that anyone who settled on his knees to drink water did not become part of the 300 member army that fought alongside with Gideon against the Midianites in Judges 7:4-7? Our generation is too quick to relax after a little achievement.

Little success freaks us. Be grateful to God and your team because you must not despise the day of little beginning but never become complacent. Yes, you have seen some good results. You have seen a measure of glory as a minister of the gospel, parent, business man or student in the last year. But to what degree? What is the parameter you are using to measure your success?

Glory comes in various shades, forms and depth. Your business closed in tens of millions last year, but is that the best of God, who is inexhaustible in glory can reveal through you? You finished with 85% overall score in your last session at school. Is that the best of God, who is inexhaustible in glory can reveal through you?

Yes, you have seen one or two cripples walk as a minister, but is that the best of God, who is inexhaustible in glory can reveal through you? It is high time we contend for a greater measure of glory, and fight the ‘arrival mentality’ sponsored by pride and complacency as we move from one level of glory to another in this New Year.

Quote: Our ultimate aim in life is not to be healthy, wealthy, prosperous, or problem free. Our ultimate aim in life is to bring glory to God – Anne Graham Lotz

Prophetic Decree: The hold of the spirit of complacency break in your heart, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

  1. O God, I thank you for last year’s success, but help me to contend for greater glory this year.
  2. I fight the arrival mentality that cripples innovation and forward movement, in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, in this year 2024, I must soar higher in glory, in Jesus name.
  4. My Father, in this year 2024, I must go deeper in glory, in Jesus name.
  5. Spirit of complacency which is similar to the spirit called average shall not cripple my destiny this year 2024, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 19-21

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