DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Friday, 5th April 2024

Bible Reading: Matthew 16:24

Memory VerseJesus declared, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37 (BSB)

Daddy Mike Bamiloye, the President of Mount Zion Faith Ministries wrote: Several years ago, precisely 1982, at age 22, before I entered the ministry, during our church convention, I was standing outside the large church building on that Sunday morning, when a very famous music minister was called upon to minister to us in song. She walked out to the front, grabbed the microphone and began to sing.

Shortly, the whole place became electrified with the presence of God. I and a lot of others were standing outside the large hall building because there was no longer space inside to sit. The anointing that morning was so heavy upon the congregation as the voice of that woman rent the hallowed chamber of the large hall.

As I listened to the songs she sang, I could not control myself anymore when I began to sob in tears and pray:  “LORD, you are using a woman, use me too. I want to serve You. Use me too.” This was all I was praying in tears, when I suddenly began to hear His voice coming up from me.

I heard Him plainly speaking to me: “I will use you, if you surrender your gift at my feet.” That was the contention, my Gift. The Talents. I was a gifted writer. I wrote drama script and novels. But the things I wrote at that time were non-christian literary pieces. Purely secular.

When the Lord was talking to me that morning, my heart went directly to the drama scripts I had just written which were not christian stories, but mere moral, theatrical secular themes. I heard Him that morning, telling me to stop using my writing gift to write whatever I liked.

I heard Him speaking to me softly, persuasively, that He would use me beyond my wildest dream, if I could make a covenant with Him to use my writing gifts for His glory alone. I heard Him telling me to go and pack all those uninspiring non-spiritual drama and novel scripts aside and abandon them and determine now to start writing for Him.

Now, what is the condition that must be fulfilled before God can use you? Absolute Consecration! Your heart, your soul, your will, your gift, your talent and everything you have must be dedicated to Him, and for Him, and to His glory.

Assignment: Read the book, “Man God Uses” by Oswald J. Smith.

Quote: To be a Christian for ten year and to be no more like Jesus then than at the time of conversion, is a tragedy – Oswald J. Smith, From the book, “Man God Uses”.

Prophetic Decree: Let the anointing to do terrible things in righteousness for God come upon you, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Holy Spirit, please bring me to a place of encounter where I know that all my gifts and talents are only to be used for your glory.

2. Holy Spirit, please bring me to a place of conviction where I know that all my gifts and talents are only to be used for your glory.

3. I receive divine illumination of the gift, talent and purposes of God for my life, in Jesus name.

4. My talent shall not be misused or abused, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace for radical dedication and absolute consecration, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Judges 16-18

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