DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Tuesday, 23rd April 2024

Bible Reading: Exodus 3: 1-10

Memory Verse: ….For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8b (NKJV)

How Do You know Who You Are?

1. Encounter: Like Moses in his burning bush experience in Exodus 3, no one encounters God and His life does not have a defined meaning. Seek the face of the Lord for a sure encounter in prayers and fasting in order to understand ‘Who You Are’. An encounter with the God of purpose could also come in the form of a revelation at night usually called dreams. Joseph knew he was to be the earthly father of Jesus even though he hasn’t consummated his relationship with Mary in a revelation at night (Matthew 1:18-20). Saul of Tarsus’s open day encounter on his way to Damascus in Acts 9:1-6 redefined the purpose of his existence. He asked succinctly, “What will you have me do?” (vs 6) The answer to this destiny question changed the direction of his life once and for all. 

2. Burden: A burden is a heavy weight in your spirit which the Holy Spirit gives you. A burden is a feeling of uneasiness in your spirit. When you have a burden, you know in your spirit God is drawing your heart in a particular direction. When Nehemiah heard of the broken walls of Jerusalem, he had a burden that drew him to prayer. He offered prayers to God in eight out of eleven verses of Nehemiah 1. His countenance fell until King Artaxerxes took notice (Nehemiah 2:2). Then, his life purpose was born. Otherwise, he could have died as a cup bearer to a foreign king whilst enjoying palace delicacies. He was destined to be a rebuilder of the broken walls of Jerusalem; but his job as the king’s cupbearer gave him the platform to fulfilling his divine purpose. God, who is a rewarder of diligent service thereafter made Nehemiah a Governor to his people (Neh. 5:14). Brethren, your access to the people in power has a divine purpose attached. May you discover it, in Jesus name. When a matter that usually shouldn’t be of great importance to you generates into a burden, that may be a prophetic pointer to discovering your purpose – knowing who you are and what God brought you to the earth to do.

Quote: View yourself as a precious vessel He crafted for a unique purpose – Patricia Ennis

Prophetic Decree: After the orderof Moses, may you encounter the God of purpose, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. I connect my life to the altar of divine encounter, in Jesus name.

2. I receive grace to perceive and understand the burden of the Spirit of God in my heart, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, please open my eyes to know who I am, and what I have been called to do on earth, in Jesus name.

4. Unlike Saul of Tarsus, I refuse to destroy what I am to build, in Jesus name.

5. Destiny Swallowers shall not swallow my destiny, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  1 Chronicles 1-2

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