DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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BUSINESS NUGGETS July – Sept. 2023

Dr Stephen Akintayo is the founder of Gtext Homes. He once said: Many years ago, I used to think it was the witches in my village that prevented me from making sales in my business.

I tried all I could, but the few clients I had always came back asking for a refund.

I knew I had a good product, but my customers weren’t pleased with me. I was frustrated. Today, I’d be happy that I got a client, and tomorrow, I’ll be sad that I lost them.

I continued in that cycle until I discovered that if I want to touch a customer’s pocket, I need to touch their heart first.

That became a turning point for my company. I hired a team of Customer Relationship Officers and we created a department called Customer Fulfillment Unit. The aim was to give our clients quality treatment and ensure they are fulfilled in their investment plans with us.

We started 24/7 customer service operations, and that boosted our credibility as a company.

Today, we have customers who invest with us from different parts of the world who have never seen the property we’re selling, but put in their money because they trust us. They put in their money and go to sleep because they trust Gtext Homes.

A happy customer is a paying customer.

Stop blaming your village people for EVERYTHING, but look for strategies that work and implement them in your business.

As we round off, don’t forget that the best time to make returns on your investment is to buy properties during the pre-launch or off-plan period. May your business flourish like the cedars of Lebanon, in Jesus mighty name.

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