Thursday, 26th December, 2024
Bible Reading: Romans 12:13
Memory Verse: When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality. Romans 12:13 (NLT)
A very wealthy multibillionaire was asked by one of his friends to buy some wheelchairs for the disabled. He gladly bought it. He further requested of his friend to follow him for the presentation. Again, he obliged. What he found most remarkable was not the wheelchair he bought, but the happiness that lit up the face of the recipients. This made a very deep mark within him.
It is not how much we have that matters, but how much we give. Furthermore, it is not how much we give that matters, but if we are readily available. There are many husbands who are giving loads of cash to their wives, yet their wives are emotionally starved. Money is good, but money with presence is better.
It is another Boxing day. A day to “box a gift” to friends and neighbours. Wouldn’t you rather be a blessing? As I speak, there are people in rural areas cleaning the streets, plaiting and barbing hairs, giving out groceries, and evangelizing Christ at the same time, on a day like this. They are busy touching lives for Jesus.
There are others who have a budget for orphanages and the widows; making them have a feel for the season. There are people on seclusion praying and interceding for the Saints and the body of Christ for safe delivery into Year 2025. You will always have what you can give – either cash and/or kind.
Arise, co-labourer of the kingdom. Send that token of appreciation to your parents, teachers, doctor, Pastor, neighbour, unit leader, etc. Don’t be like an inland drainage. Part of what comes into your pocket must also flow out of your pocket. You’re a blessing to be a blessing. Stagnant water stink. A measure of what comes to you must also pass through you.
A mango tree produces leaves, and some of the leaves must fall again to the ground to fertilize the ground for the same tree to produce more leaves. That’s the cycle of life. Stop being stingy to your own detriment. Many who are too tight fisted have capped their blessing from the Lord.
Quote: You are blessed to be a blessing. Give in cash and/in kind. There’s always something you can give.
Prophetic Decree: Let the hold of stinginess break in your life, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Thank you Father for giving us the greatest gifts, Jesus.
2. I receive grace to give cheerfully and not grudgingly, in Jesus name.
3. I come against any wicked devices of the devil to use my gifts against me, in Jesus name.
4. Any man or woman in custody of my gift as a point of contact against me, after the order of Dathan, Korah and Abiram, be buried alive, in Jesus name.
5. My gift shall open great doors for my destiny, in Jesus name.