DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Monday, 16th September, 2024

Bible Reading: Exodus 31:1-3

Memory VerseI have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God, making him highly skilled, resourceful, and knowledgeable in all tradesExodus 31:3 (GWT)

A 10-year-old girl named Hephzibah Akinwale has broken the world record for the longest-written novel for publishing a 58,000-word book. Hephzibah Akinwale, a teen from East Cambridgeshire who attends Little Thetford C of E Primary School, United Kingdom is the author of a middle-grade fiction book “Chronicles of The Time Keepers – Whisked Away”, a 58,000-word fiction novel. In the novel, Hephzibah plays the lead role where she experiences mysterious dreams that are so realistic that they seem to be a part of her everyday life.

Hephzibah broke the International Book of Records surpassing 11-year-old Manikya Sanghi, the multiple award-winning author of “Wizard of Sansanadia,” who held the record for the longest fiction novel written by a child, reaching 44,000 words. She not only broke the record for the longest-written fiction novel, but she also set a new standard for ambitious young authors all over the world.

Hephzibah’s mother, Chika Akinwale, believes that her daughter’s accomplishments would inspire other children to pursue their creative interests. “In light of Black History Month (October), I feel her achievement can inspire other children, especially children of colour as she is a young girl of colour herself,” Chika Akinwale said. Her name has equally entered the Guinness Book of Records.


1. The initial record was 44,000 words while hers is 58,000 words. She didn’t only break the old record, she set a new one which will likely take a long time to break. 

2. Early detection and maximization of a child’s potentials will surely lead to uncommon success. 

3. Parents are to teach their children to raise the bar. While others are reading for only 15 minutes, encourage your children to go the extra length. While others are sleeping, encourage your children to be early risers.

4. Above all, the greatest lesson you can teach your child is the fear of God. “Parents cannot impart righteousness to their children, but they can help them develop a firm commitment to righteousness. Parents cannot write the law on the hearts of their children, but they can weave the law and the gospel into their developing consciences” – Michael Pearl, Author of ‘To Train Up a Child: Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children.’

Quote:  Timely discovery and enhancement of a child’s talents will always lead to striking accomplishments. 

Prophetic Decree: Let the giant in your child begin to speak now, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father the Giver of talents and Grace. 

2. I break my Alabaster box at your feet, O Lord, help me to use it for your glory, in Jesus name.

3. I submit my talents and gifts at your feet O God, use it all to your glory, in Jesus name.

4. I command all that God have deposited in the lives of my children to come out by fire, in Jesus name. 

5. Glory killers, destiny butchers, and unfriendly friends, shall not locate my children, in Jesus name. 

6. My children shall make me proud.  They shall not bring shame unto me, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Daniel 10-12

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