DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Thursday, 8th February 2024

Bible Reading: Luke 18: 1-8

Memory Verse:  And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint Luke 18:1 (KJV)

When prayers become alien, catastrophe looms by the corner. The greatest secret of the great warrior is his knees!

To be a Spiritual Major General, then you need to learn how to bend on your knees.

To be an Elijah of your era, a carrier of fire, then you need to inculcate how to bend your kneels in long-term prayer!

To be a John Wesley of this age, you must learn to engage in kneeling on your knees hour to hour.

To be a Charles G. Finney of this generation, then, you must learn to pray all night like him!

To change unpalatable circumstances in your life, then, you need to learn how to wrestle in midnight prayer like Jacob!

To change your fortunes, learn to stay long on your kneels like Jabez.

To be a Kathryn Kuhlman or Deborah of your century, learn to discipline yourself and control your urge on the things of this world and get baptized in prayers.

Lastly, to put an end to barrenness, please, be like Hannah in prayer!

My friends, prayer changes things. It is the long arm that holds the world. The only way we can find courage to stand firm as a believer is when we bend our knees. It isn’t by our fat bank account, nor by how connected we are; not even by how affluent or influential we are; yes, it’s by knowing how to bend before the Lord in prayer!

Learn how to stay long on your knees in intercession and on behalf of your friends, the Church and your world.

How about you? Is your prayer altar getting cold? You had better remove the old ashes. One great sign of backsliding is a cold prayer altar. Charge up yourself. Ask for a fresh baptism of prayer fire. Prayer changes things. 

Quote: Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees – William Cowper.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to remain on your knees until your circumstance change, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your spirit of prayer and supplication.

2. I receive fresh fire needed to turnaround my situation, in Jesus name.

3. Holy Spirit, help me to sacrifice sleep in order to pray at night.  

4. I receive grace to enter into the room called prayer in the court of God, in Jesus name.

5. I receive fresh baptism of the spirit of prayer and supplication, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 28-29

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