DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Sunday, 28th August, 2016.

Scripture Reading:  1 Chronicles 4: 9-10.

Memory verse for the week:    Eph 5:16

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. “(KJV)

This is no fiction. A family of 7 children suddenly discovered that their lifes were going down negatively in the same direction. They were all having similar problems.  What was the problem? None of them had a settled home. Anyone who marries comes back to their father’s house after giving birth to 1 or 2 children. This is what the Bible refers to as a siege. There is an evil verdict in place, an evil curse; a negative word has been spoken against such a family under a demonic anointing. This is called collective captivity!

You may need to start taking a thorough look at your family from now on. Hey! Don’t say you are only a teenager, mum or dad will be praying for me. There are battles everyone must fight for himself. A place, an enterprise, a family, an environment, a village, a town, a city and even a nation could be groaning under a collective captivity.

I have seen a family with all the children having a first class brain, always finishing top in their class; and sometimes having a double promotion. But, they are all living an average life.

There is a user of this devotional saying in his mind, “This does not concern me.” You had better pray so that you won’t become a prey! The moment you decide to fulfill your God-given destiny, there must be satanic reaction.

Now is the acceptable time for your salvation. 2 Tim 4:18.


PRAYER POINT:I recommend the following deliverance prayers. Pray with power and fire. Make sure you reconcile your ways with God, and plead the blood of Jesus (7times) before you pray these prayers:            

  1. I decree and declare by thunder and fire, my case is different in the name of Jesus
  2. I break out from foundational stronghold of evil family pattern in the name of Jesus.
  3. I wash away by the blood of Jesus every evil covenant and curse issued against my family.
  4. Covenant in the blood of Jesus, set me free from collective captivity of my father’s house in the name of Jesus.
  5. I vomit every evil consumption that I have been fed with as a child, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Strongmen in charge of my family problem, I destroy you by fire, in the name of Jesus.

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