Friday, 10th February, 2017.
Bible reading: 1 Sam. 3:1-10.
Memory Verse: “Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, To whom, though himself in the form of God, it did not seem that to take for oneself was to be like God; But he made himself as nothing, taking the form of a servant, being made like men” Philippians 2:5-7(BBE).
Conditions of Mentorship:
- Realization of a need: You can’t help anyone who is not aware he needs help.
- Humility: A proud heart cannot receive instructions or correction. Stop this “I-know-all attitude”.
- Sensitivity: You must be able to learn by observation.
Benefits of Having a Mentor:
- They guide you by showing you the way you should go.
- They guard: Mentors prevent you from costly errors & mistakes. Paul prevented Timothy, his spiritual son from error by giving him several instructions (1 Tim.3:14-15).
- They inspire you to achieve greater success (Phil. 3:13, Hos. 12:13).
- A mentor connects you to necessary persons, thereby increasing your speed in life.
- The prayer of a mentor could prevent a destiny from destruction e.g. Jesus prayed for Peter when Satan desired to have him (Luke 22:31-32).
- Mentors provide a relief in times of confusion.
- They make you accountable.
- They provide insights for easy success. Jethro, Moses father-in-law advised Moses on the way to administer judgment in Israel (Exo. 18:13-27).
Quote: A mentor guards, guides and gark to destiny fulfilment.
Prophetic Word: Your glorious destiny shall not be cut short in Jesus name.
Prayer Points:
- I will not miss “the man” carrying my jar of water in Jesus name.
- Holy Spirit, connect me with my mentor, in Jesus name.
- I receive grace to humble myself, in Jesus name.