DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Monday, 6th November 2023

Bible Reading:  1 Corinthians 6: 15-20

Memory Verse Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the one who is sexually immoral sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18 (AMP)

A fire brand deliverance minister was on the devil’s red list. His humility, submission to higher authority, prayerfulness, evangelism, commitment and dedication to the things of God was second to none. The devil kept scheming to snare him. Friends, as long as we are in the human flesh, the devil will never give up on us.

Watch and pray. Finally, it was close to his wedding ceremony. His fiancee on mandatory youth corp lost her guard. An agent of darkness she assumed to be a friend served her a demonic food. And that was it! She was initiated against her will. This is the mystery of unconscious initiation. Her prayer life, study life, and fasting life began to go down.

Unfortunately, she didn’t cry for help. There are days you need the support of other brethren in this spiritual marathon race. It is no sprint race, dear friends. At the next contact with her fiance, the same devil used her to lure our firebrand brother into the sin of fornication, just two weeks before their wedding ceremony. The brother later attested that something left him after the act, and he never remained the same. Ichabod – the glory had departed!

Sex is a wonderful thing designed by God, but only between married couples joined before a Priest of God on a holy altar. Keep your chastity.

The fastest way to drain destiny virtues is through unholy sexual union, and this can be done in the physical or in the spiritual. Many are single but married with children in the spirit realm. Many are even married physically but also married spiritually to another. Why then will your earthly marriage be settled?

Bestiality (human beings sleeping with animals such as dogs), homosexuality (a man having sexual relationship with another man), lesbianism (a woman having sexual relationship with another woman) and such like things, are all terrible sins and abomination before the Lord. 

Quote:  Stolen water is sweet but soon turns bitter with a destructive consequence.

Prophetic Decree:  Let the mercy of God recover all the devil has stolen through sex, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Any poison in my body as a result of any physical and spiritual sexual relationship, be flushed out by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

2. Blood of Jesus, purge my spirit, soul, and body from all sexual impurities, in Jesus name.

3. Any conscious and unconscious sexual covenant over my life, be broken by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

4. O Lord, please restore my broken spiritual altar, in Jesus name.

5. My leaking spiritual virtues, be mended by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

6. Host of heaven, lead me into the spiritual intensive care unit of heaven to recover my stolen glory, in Jesus name.

7. Plead for the mercy of God.


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