DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Monday, 21st October, 2024

Bible Reading: Numbers 13: 27-33

Memory Verse: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

It will take nothing other than courage for a black man in the person of Martin Luther King Jr, a Pastor, orator and civil rights icon in U.S. history to advocate for equality amongst all races until he was heard in the corridor of power. He cared not for his life but for a godly mission to be accomplished. His famous “I Have a Dream” speech were often read in the classrooms. He was that black man who longed for everyone to get along. That’s courage at work! Today the U.S. celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day. It is a federal holiday that honors his life and legacy.

The spirit of fear tied the children of Israel to the ranting and threat of Goliath until a young teenager, in the person of David came into the scene. Fear indeed is a torment. A whole nation with vast human, intelligent and military resources – young and old – was held spell bound by the fearful words of a tyrant called Goliath for 40 days and 40 nights until a man with a ‘counter-fear’ spirit emerged. Goliath was simply speaking fear into the spiritual climate of Israel. The anointing of courage upon David first had to subdue that spirit spiritually before he could win the battle. All the Israel soldiers with six pack chest, including their tall king Saul were absolutely paralysed by the spirit of fear which had choked their spirit man prior to David’s coming. Words are indeed powerful (1 Samuel 17). 

It took the spirit of courage for Joshua and Caleb to conquer the wall of Jericho. In the physical, like the other 10 spies said, the men of Jericho were giants and they were like grasshoppers. But the spiritual controls the physical. The spirit of courage upon Joshua and Caleb said though they were giants in the sight of men, they are dwarfs in the sight of the Ancient of days who measures the waters of the earth with the palms of His hands. How tall do you think such a God could be?

Dear Christian, connect to the spirit of courage today if you must fulfil all that God wants you to be. The year is fast running to an end. You must share your own testimony of mighty works.

QuoteHe who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life – Muhammad Ali.

Prophetic Decree: Every demonic stronghold of fear is shattered from your heart, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. I reject the evil report of the land. By the Spirit of courage, I will prosper even in famine, in Jesus name. 

2. I reject the evil report of the doctors by the spirit of the living God. I decree that I am healed, in Jesus name. 

3. By the spirit of courage, like unto Joshua, I shall enter into my Promised land, in Jesus name. 

4. I receive courage to confront my fears, in Jesus name. 

5. Holy Spirit baptise me afresh with the Spirit of courage, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 17, Mark 9

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