Friday, 6th January, 2017
Bible reading: Dan. 1: 2-4.
Memory verse: “I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation” Psalm 119:99 (ESV).
1. Be Born Again (John 1:12): Do you want the Spirit of excellence? Then, you must submit the steering wheel of your life to the God of Excellence.
2. Pray About It (Luke 18:1): You’ve talked about it, but you must prayed about it.
3. Develop a Positive Mindset (Prov.23:7): Nothing happens without a change of mindset.
4. Approach the Subject Strategically: You may need to change your reading plan. Perhaps you’ve been having challenges in Mathematics which before now you practise in the evening after school. Why not try study in the early hours of the morning after your personal devotion with God.
5. Ask for Help (Matt. 7:7): Sometimes we need a little assistance from private tutors or friends who have strength in the subjects of our own weaknesses. Be humble to ask for their aid.
6. Read and Practice Continually: Your weak subjects will not become a favourite subject if you don’t practice continually. I advice you have a reading time table. Be organized.
7. Read to understand: Don’t always cram.
Quote: You can be the best if you don’t give up so soon.
Prophetic decree: I command your brain to open up in the name of Jesus.
Prayer points
1. As in the days of Daniel, O Lord, baptize me with Your excellent spirit.
2. I convert all my weak subjects/ courses to my favourite subjects in Jesus name.