DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Thursday, 23rd March, 2023

Bible Reading: Acts 9: 36-41

Memory VerseAnd when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy to have you do this for him, for he loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue.”  Luke 7: 4-5 (ESV)   

A Pastor said at the start of his ministry he would go to brothels to preach Christ to the unsaved. On Sundays, a number of them will later come for service, and with no condemnation, they will welcome them most warmly. On a particular day, a lady said whether the Church establish fixes up with accommodation or not, she will not go back to the brothel. That’s the Holy Spirit doing a final work of conviction in the heart of such individual.

To the glory of God, they were able to get a place for her, started her off with a small hair plaiting business. Do you know that today she is happily married and settled financially? Why? One difference making church with a heart of love located her. This is also one of Church growth strategy used by the pioneer of the largest Church in Ukraine before the war. Community impact!

During a season of random acts of kindness usually embarked by a Church, a particular house fellowship cell group saw a widow in need. She was living in a dilapidated building. They were provoked to do something. Guess what? The house fellowship centre built her a house. Can you beat that? This is how to provoke the forces of the Gentiles, and the hidden wealth locked up in dark places. Imagine that magnitude of love to someone you don’t know and you’re not related to. 

Friends, sometimes you don’t need all the billions to make things happen. All you need is a vision and a visionary network of capable team members. Surround yourself with people of similar passion and you will be surprised to take your world by surprise. 

Do you know a group of medical doctors in a church can set aside one free month for “medical evangelism”. They can simply go to a place notable for some particular type of sickness and diseases and treat then for free. One medical doctor based abroad told his boss to slash his salary so that he can take more time to offer free medicals in his native country. You will be surprised that is a calling. Please let us all learn to be a difference maker in our family, school, place of work, church, and everywhere we go.

QuoteA little act of kindness may be the flavour needed to colour your world.

Prophetic Decree: Henceforth, the blessings of kindness shall overshadow you and your family, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord, please renew my mind today, in Jesus name.

2. My Father, please give me a heart of service, in Jesus name.

3. I receive a heart of kindness and the needed financial endowment needed to meet needs, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, deliver me from the spirit of selfishness and greed, in Jesus name.

5. Holy Spirit, please give me a heart to give, and not to only to receive, in Jesus name.


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