DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Sat., Oct. 14, 2017

Bible Reading: Hab.3:17-18.

Memory Verse: Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (WEB)

Little John is one of the many homeless youths living in the streets, but John just proved that even a beggar, with the lowest social status possible can have a heart of gold. One day, while John was asking for money from the drivers of cars stopped in traffic, he met a woman who suffered with collapsed lungs causing shortness of breath. She constantly relies on an oxygen concentrator, oxygen cylinders, and a generator to breathe, carrying the supplies with her at all times.

Not only that, but the 32-year-old had gone through 12 surgeries; one surgery ruptured her optical nerve causing her to go blind. Being a curious little boy, John asked what all of her gadgets were for. As she explained her situation to him, his eyes welled with tears. He began to cry, realizing that as difficult as life on the street may be, she had it so much worse than him. He cried even harder as he realized there was nothing he could do for her. John took her hand and prayed that God would provide her all she needed for treatment. After that, he reached into his pocket and gave her what little money he had.

A passerby, struck by the little boys overwhelming emotion, took some pictures and shared the story on social media. A post that soon went viral. Since the story spread, generous strangers have raised over 3 million shillings for this woman in just 4 days. The funds cover nearly half of the 7 million shillings she needs to receive treatment in India. But that is not the only good news. This lady had gotten John off the street, and back to school soonest. John considers this woman as his new mother.

Quote: Always know this: You are not the most disadvantaged.

Prophetic Decree: The Lord shall give you a new song and a new dance, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

  1. Holy Spirit, inspire me to do that which will turn around my situation, in Jesus name.
  2.  Destiny helpers, arise for me by fire today, in Jesus name.
  3. Lord Jesus, re-write my story, in Jesus name.
  4. I will dance my dance and sing a new song today, in Jesus name.
  5. Opportunity wasters, die, in Jesus name.

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