DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Sunday, 4th August, 2024

Bible Reading: Lamentations 5:7

Memory Verse:  In those days they shall no longer say: “‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’ Jeremiah 31:29 (ESV)

Dearly beloved, in every family there are controlling spirits – either the Holy Spirit or evil spirits. What do you have to say of a family whose great grandfather died of poison, grandfather died of poison, and father died of poison – all through mysterious circumstances. The next generation of such a family will need to confront the altar powering that evil pattern and dislodge all the strongmen and all the monitoring spirits attached, else, the vicious pattern continues. 

When the elder brother of a particular person died in an accident, his sister died of a motor accident while coming from honeymoon, and he dies of a plane crash. Then, it is obvious that an evil altar is supervising that pattern of result in the family and this will continue down to generations yet unborn even though innocent, unless someone arise in the family to break the evil pattern decisively by the power in the Blood of Jesus. 

Many Christians are oblivious of the mysteries surrounding their lives. They claim to be praying, but certain mysteries aren’t fully understood. The devil loves to hide in secrecy. The devil loves to hide under the radar. The mystery surrounding your life has an explanation attached. You need divine revelation to unravel such mysteries. You can be born again for many years but unaware of such patterns except the Holy Spirit opens your eyes. 

Have you noticed the pattern of failure at the edge of breakthrough in your family or late marriage or sudden death or probably in your family the first born don’t usually do well? Abraham had a challenge of child birth with Sarah. Isaac, his son had the challenge of childbirth with his wife Rebekah. Jacob, the grandson had the same challenge of childbirth with his wife, Rachel. That is the true definition of a negative pattern. You need a prophetic revelation to understand what went wrong and what must be done to break the evil pattern in your life and family.

QuotePatterns are real. Don’t stand aloof until it catches up with you. 

Prophetic Decree: Every evil covenant causing negative patterns in your life and family is broken by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

Prayer Focus 

1. Holy Spirit, please open my eyes to the evil pattern at work in my life and family, in Jesus name. 

2. Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of host, arise against demonic laws and ancient covenants made by my forefathers affecting my family, in Jesus name. 

3. Evil altars supporting ancient covenant in my family, catch fire, in Jesus name.

4. Demonic decree programmed into the womb of time in my life and family, be broken by the atoning Blood of Jesus.

5. Arise o Lord, disgrace the ancestral strongmen in charge of negative patterns in my family, in Jesus name. 


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