DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Saturday, 23rd April, 2022

Bible Reading: Psalm 1: 1-3

Memory VerseHe is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3 (ESV)

Continued from yesterday…

  • McLaurin filed a suit stating that the university’s conditions deprived him of equality. The U.S. Supreme Court heard McLaurin’s appeal in April 1950 and in June unanimously reversed the lower court. Ruling on the case enabled African-Americans to be admitted to graduate education at the University of Oklahoma on a segregated basis. This meant although McLaurin could not be barred from entering the university as before, he nonetheless wouldn’t use same facilities and sit at the same place as his white mates.

Lesson: Should you fight and win a righteous course, you might just have opened a great door of opportunity for generations born and unborn. Mind you, you must learn to make positive changes and fight for justice without destroying public properties.

5. Despite the bad policy treatment, McLaurin’s name remains on the honour roll as one of the three best students of the university. He noted: “Some colleagues would look at me like I was an animal, no one would give me a word, the teachers seemed like they were not even there for me, nor did they always take my questions when I asked. But I devoted myself so much that afterwards, they began to look for me to give them explanations and to clear their questions.”  

Lesson: Students, learn from this. No other extra curricular activity should distract you from achieving your primary aim of coming out with flying colours in your academic work. Don’t lose focus. Then, your voice becomes even louder when correcting some of the ills in the society.

6.  McLaurin was born on September 16, 1894. He held a master’s degree from the University of Kansas and was a retired professor living in Oklahoma City. He also taught at the predominantly black college, Langston University. He passed on September 4, 1968. The George McLaurin Male Leadership Conference is named after him.

Lesson: At the end of your life, what legacy would you leave behind? Strive to write your name in the sand of time to the glory of God and benefit of mankind.

QuoteAt the end of your life, all that will eventually matter will be: What impact did you make?

 Prophetic Decree: You shall disappoint the expectations of your arch enemies, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus for the blessings of your legacies on the Cross of Calvary.

2. I will not live a useless life, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to make a kingdom mark on earth, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace for all-round ramification good success, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace for great academic excellence, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 1-2

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