DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Wednesday, 24th April 2024

Bible Reading:  Psalm 45:1, 2 Corinthians 4: 7-9
Memory Verse: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (KJV)

…Continued from yesterday.
3.Your Affection: Anything you love doing is an indicator of what you are created to do. Anything that gives you fulfilment is a secret of your accomplishment. Anything that gives you excitement is connected to your assignment. However, all these may only be a litmus test because it is possible to be passionate about the wrong things. Hence, strive to have further confirmatory test via an encounter with God especially as it regards higher calling into priesthood.

4.Your Pain: Tell me, what have you passed through in life that made a very deep mark in your heart? What problems confronted your destiny when you were a teen? Were you molested and assaulted during childhood or as a teenager? Perhaps you were raped by your siblings or by your parent as in the case of Joyce Meyer. Don’t live too long in hopelessness. That may be a prophetic pointer to your purpose like in the case of Joyce Meyer. Terry Gobanga was gang raped on her wedding day. Today, she uses her personal testimonies to encourage many rape victims. She converted her pain to purpose.
There is a certain preacher of sexual purity and holiness who hitherto was a gangster. He uses his past escapades as a warning to the youths of this generation. He converted his pain to purpose. One reason why one of God’s Generals in Nigeria is doing well in ministry is simply because he saw his father fail woefully in ministry. He saw his father delay the calling of God upon his life in the days of his youth only to embrace it compulsorily at the latter end of his life. He watched his father attend Seminary School in his 60s with younger pastors he could have fathered biologically.
Hence, he got very serious with God in the days of his youths. Today, he is a global voice. He converted the pains of his father to wisdom and ran early with his purpose in the days of his youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1, John 9:4). I am afraid you can’t pass through the school of hardship and poverty, and your spirit will not be full of wisdom needed to break the yoke of poverty. You may just discover that you hate seeing people, especially Christians poor.
That may be the beginning of the unveiling of your purpose. Pain in itself may not be a bad thing. What you do with it is what is most important. Pain itself could be legal. That may be the only tool in the arsenal of God to draw our hearts back to Him. The pain of putting your hands close to fire is just a warning signal that there is a greater damage to your hands if you don’t refrain.

Quote:  God never allows pain without a purpose – Jerry Bridges.

Prophetic Decree: Whether the devil likes it or not, you shall fulfill your purpose in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

  1. I receive grace to locate purpose in pain, in Jesus name.
  2. Wisdom of God, open my eyes to mysteries about my purpose, in Jesus name.
  3. I receive grace to see purpose in my pain, in Jesus name.
  4. Lord, kill any ambition and affection in my heart that is not tangent to your purpose for my life, in Jesus name.
  5. I refuse to make the mistakes of my yesterday, in the name of Jesus. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87

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