DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sunday, 15th September, 2024

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 11: 18

Memory VerseKeep my commands and live, and guard my instructions as you would the pupil of your eye. Tie them to your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 7: 2-3 (CSB)

Memorized Scripture Will Transform Your World. When God’s people treasure God’s Word in their hearts, it transforms the world around them. Friends are uplifted through biblical prayers and words of encouragement. Relationship-ruining sins are conquered before they cause harm. Neighbours are inspired as they see someone face a difficult season with hope. Practical Steps to Memorising the Scriptures include:

1. FIND A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER: The method begins with a blank piece of paper. We recommend using an inexpensive composition or spiral bound notebook for this exercise, since you’re going to fill up a lot of pages with notes you won’t need to keep.

2. WRITE THE VERSE BY HAND TEN TIMES WHILE LOOKING AT THE VERSE: Once you have your paper, begin writing out the verse by hand while keeping your Bible open so you can see the verse.

TIP: Remember to include the chapter and verse when writing. You’ll want to know the verse and where it’s found.

3. WRITE THE VERSE BY HAND TEN TIMES WHILE NOT LOOKING AT THE VERSE: Now that you’ve written the verse ten times, it’s beginning to sink into your brain. The next step is to close your Bible and write the verse ten times without looking at it.

TIP: Use a blank piece of paper to cover the previous times you wrote the verse to avoid cheating your memory.

4. SAY THE VERSE OUT LOUD TEN TIMES TO YOURSELF: You’ve now interacted with this verse twenty times with two senses (sight and touch). By interacting with the verse using a third sense (hearing), you will cement the verse’s place in your memory.

5. WRITING THE VERSE FROM MEMORY AND REPEAT STEP 1 WITH THE NEXT VERSE: Memorising single verses of Scripture is important. But memorizing entire paragraphs or chapters of the Bible will increase your ability to meditate on God’s Word throughout the day. Write the first verse by memory, and then repeat the previous four-steps with the next verse. Continue this process until you’ve memorized the entire chapter!

QuoteThe Spirit of God uses the Word of God to make us more like the Son of God—resulting in lives transformed for the glory of God.

Prophetic Decree: I command all your five senses to be saturated with the Word of God, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. My organ of sight, touch, speech, smell, and hearing, be receptive to the Word of God, in Jesus name. 

2. I receive a sharp and a retentive memory to retain the Word of God in my heart, in Jesus name. 

3. Holy Spirit, quicken my mortal bodies by your Word, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to be God’s mobile altar of His Word and counsel.

5. By your Word that created the heavens and the earth, speak a Word into my life, in Jesus name. 

6. I receive grace to be a custodian of the accurate Word of God, in Jesus name. 


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