DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Tuesday, 6th March, 2018

Bible Reading: 2 Cor. 5:17, Isa. 43:18-19

Memory Verse: For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.
Titus 2:11

Imagine Apostle Paul ministering after his conversion and right inside the synagogue his
eyes lurked up with a young man full of rage because he killed his parents when
persecuting the Church of Christ. As he turned his eyes to the other side, he recognized
a young lady sobbing in tears whom he could recognize so well because he watched the
lady cry profusely as he supervised the cutting of the hands of her parents many years
back as an atheist. No doubt as human, he will develop goose pimples. Yet, he came out
of all guilt and emotional torment of his past to face the course for which he was born.
No wonder he said, “I press towards the mark (Phil.3:14). Let’s examine these words. “I
press… “: This means it requires effort. It requires pressure. By human strength it is not
going to be easy, but the grace of God is sufficient to make it happen. “…towards the
mark”: The only thing he kept seeing now that he is in Christ is his ‘preferred future’. His
ordained future! It is what you continually see that you eventually become. As Jacob’s
cattle beheld the spotted rod they gave birth to same (Gen 30:39).
Friend, why are you locked up in your past? Perhaps you were once an armed robber, a
womanizer, an occult or a killer yet; there is hope for a tree though it is cut down. Old
things have passed away when you get born again. You are changed from the kingdom
of darkness to the kingdom of light. Your sins were not only forgiven but were
completely wiped off (Col. 2:14). You were not discharged and acquitted but the new
parliament of heaven said YOU WERE NEVER IN ANY COURT FOR TRIAL. Shout
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 26 – 27
Quote: Past is a waste paper, Present is a newspaper, Future is a question paper.
Learn, Read and Answer respectively else, Life will be Tissue Paper.
Prophetic Decree: The Blood of Jesus shall erase every mistake of your past in Jesus
Prayer Focus:

  1. Father, please forgive me and wash away my sins with the Blood of Jesus.
  2. By the power of God, I leap over my terrible past.
  3. By the power of God, I receive fortitude to maximize my present.
  4. By the power of God I receive grace to see into an ordained future.
  5. Let every chain of the devil tying down to the guilt of my past in Jesus name.

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