DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Sunday, 23rd May, 2021

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3: 8-10, Proverbs 23:18

Memory VerseMay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 (NIV)

The story is told of a little boy and his father. Before going to school on a particular day, his father wrapped his arm around him and told him, “Come what may, I will be there for you”. He gave him a little peck and off he dashed to school excitedly. Behold a father’s love! That same day something happened. An earthquake hit the school environment but luckily, this boy and some of his friends were trapped amidst the heap of rubbles. All efforts by the government to bring out any survivor seemed impossible.

They eventually gave up thinking there couldn’t be any survivor due to the massive disaster. But the father of this particular boy wouldn’t give up. He kept removing one rubble after another. People tried to persuade to give up the herculean task but he wouldn’t bulge. Then after many days, he could hear the sound of some young boys. He became even more desperate. He eventually found his boy and several of his friends. This boy said what kept him alive was the fragrance of love that radiated from his father when he said, “Come what may I will be there for you”. He kept telling his friends amidst the rubble that he was sure his father will come for him.

Lesson: Friend, the only thing that will eventually keep you bubbling in faith and alive in God especially when the devil rages is your hope in God anchored on the spoken word from the mouth of the Lord which you have received. What has God told you? What is the prophecy hanging over your life even though it seems to tarry? Wait on that word. Heaven and earth may pass away, but none of His words will. God honours His words above His name. As He said it, He will surely do it. Again, do you want to see the manifestations of God’s promises? Then, confess those promises as anchored in the Word. Keep saying it. Keep hope alive. God will surely come through for you.

Assignment: Pick up your Bible and spend some quality time meditating upon Joshua 21:45

Quote: Hope in God never fails.

Prophetic Decree: Those saying where is your God shall come celebrate with you, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Father of mercy whose words are infallible, I worship Your majesty.

2. My Father, hastily bring to pass what you said you will do in my life, in Jesus name.

3. I receive more grace to anchor my faith and hope in the only true God, in Jesus name.

4. I come against any spirit of fear and unbelief, in Jesus name.

5. Spirit of faith and hope possess my life, in Jesus name.

6. I command a 24-hr miracle in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21-22; Psalm 30

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