DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Sunday, 11st August, 2024

Bible Reading:  Revelation 12:11

Memory VerseAnd they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to dieRevelation 12:11 (NLT)

`The Voice of the Martyrs’ wrote about a certain Rose. Talking about herself, she said, “I was born in a Communist home where no one could even mention the word God. My parents are atheists. My father is in the Cuban Communist Party leadership.` My mother is secretary of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution. You might say my home is a nest for communism. However, my grandmother loves God and taught me about the Lord. She sowed the seeds of God’s Word into me. On several occasions I tried to go to church with her, but my parents did not allow it.

One day, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. My life started to change. Even the way I dressed changed. My mother did not accept it. She never beat me before, but now she often does. When my father learned that I was a Christian, he told me to choose God or him. I chose God because I have understood that He is the only one worth living for.

Now, even though I am only fourteen, I have to study far away from my home. When I first came to this place I was the only Christian, but I have sown God’s Word and now there are four of us. We meet under a tree—hidden—to share God’s Word. We keep sowing and waiting, believing that soon we will be many.”

Rose’s childhood would have been one destined for Communist indoctrination and atheism, had it not been for her grandmother’s influence. She is an extreme teen because she followed in the footsteps of her grandmother, who took a risk to share Christ with her. Now, Rose takes the same risk with those at her boarding school, sharing and sowing the Word of God. She is working on one believer at a time to make a difference. However, Rose has discovered, like many Cuban teenagers living under communism, faith comes with consequences. But she believes, despite the odds, that some of her seed will fall on responsive soil. In whose life will you sow seeds of God’s Word and wait for a harvest?

Sharing your faith sometimes requires taking risk. Dare to risk your life for the kingdom of God to come to your family, friends and neighbours. 

Quote: If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul – Drew Barrymore.

Prophetic Decree: Receive the keys to the hearts of men for Jesus to come in, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Lord for the message of the Cross.

2. We rebuke luciferean spirits working against the establishment of the Word of God in the hearts of men, in Jesus name. 

3. I receive grace to take kingdom risk at any cost, in Jesus name.

4. My Father, keep the burden of evangelism burning in my heart, in Jesus name. 

5. I receive wisdom for effective kingdom evangelism and discipleship, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 14-17

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