DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Thursday, 14th December 2023

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:6, 2 Corinthians 12:15a

Memory VerseJesus explained, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His workJohn 4:34 (BSB)

Kingdom service represent anything done for the Kingdom of God in order to promote the gospel, populate the kingdom of God, and depopulate hell.

The year is rounding off. I hope you are not one of those bench warmers in the house of the Lord? No group, no unit, and no house fellowship. You need to repent before this year runs to an end. Your money is not the only thing God demands of you.  He owns the cattle upon the thousand hills. He demands of you the gifts he has placed upon you.  

You do yourself more harm than good if you decide to stay aloof in the house of God. Your talent if left unused will soon wither. You will give God an account of all the talents he gave you. God’s servant, Dr Paul Enenche said it is this understanding that makes him sing and play his saxophone even though he is first of all a minister of the Word.

An unmarried sister who relocated abroad few years ago was advised by everyone to first of all get married before travelling out. She eventually left her home country as inspired by the Holy Spirit. She went to meet her Pastor that she will like to minister unto the Lord in songs. Though skeptical because many song minister had failed the test of consistency, he gave her a chance anyways. Her loyalty and commitment was like no other. Sometimes, she finishes a 12hr night-shift, rush home to change her clothes, and quickly dash to Church.  On days when she will miss the workers meeting, she was quick to send a text. Guess what? God, the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him saw her large heart of SACRIFICIAL SERVICE, and has blessed with her own husband in a strange land. Who told you God does not reward a DILIGENT SERVICE? No excuse will ever be good enough to stop you from spending and being spent for the Lord. Selah.

QuoteDo you want to provoke God to action? Find something sacrificial to do for His name.

Prophetic Decree:  May the incense of your sacrificial services speak deliverance and restoration for you, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. The oldest and the wisest living God, we thank you.

2. I receive a heart to pant for the One and true living God, in Jesus name.

3. Fresh fire for kingdom service, burn in my bones, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, renew my passion to spend and be spent for you, in Jesus name.

5. I will not miss the reward of kingdom service, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Acts 27-28

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