DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Tuesday, 22nd October, 2024

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 10: 4-6

Memory VerseBe sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 (AMP)

The devil is like a roaring lion who walks about seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8b). This evil one is always sniffing through the cracks of the lives of every man looking for loop holes, areas of incomplete or partial deliverance, areas of incomplete or partial neglect, etc. Should he find one, he will capitalise on it, exaggerate it, over magnify it, and ultimately use it as a landing port for self-destructive services which he is known for. Due to the imperfect nature of every man, the devil, many atimes find such unguarded ground and take a good strike at such in our workplace, families, or in our relationships. This is the mystery of “I-Shall-Be-Back-Demons”. These types of demons confidently tell their victims that they shall be back to the deliverance ground because they are confident there is a ladder – an unbroken attachment to a particular sin, or a weakness in the life of such a person that they can always use as a landing port to regain entry in such lives. 

Other landing ports of the enemy include wrong mindset. Imagine this type of barbaric traditional mindset: “A man must rule his home by iron fist, else he is considered to be weak.” No wonder there is no marital peace in such homes. Certain societal norms about the girl child, cultural norms, etc., are some of the landing port for evil spirits to have a free ride in many tribes, community, and nation as a whole. Little wonder why certain people from certain places always behave in a certain way. The reason? Anything you do over time invites the participation of spirits – either an evil spirit or the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, you do such things by default – as a second nature – because a spirit has taken over, and has gradually built a stronghold. To others, their mindset is responsible for the awful outcomes of their lives. Those who say, “This is the only way it has always been done and must always be done” are operating under a fixed mindset, the opposite of a growth mindset, which could backtrack their lives and cause damage to the various human relationships in their lives. Furthermore, laziness, inability to pay attention to details, prayerlessness, inability to memorise the scriptures, procrastination, etc., are some of those habits that could act as a landing port for the massive invasion of the enemy into one’s life. Finally, dear brethren, allow the Holy Spirit to point out belief systems, habits, characters, weaknesses, and demonic strongholds that are acting as a landing port for the invasion of the enemy in your life.

QuoteThe devil can only prosper in our lives to the degree we permit him. 

Prophetic Decree: Let the power of the Cross break the power of sin, self and worldliness in your life, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. My Father, open my eyes to cracks in my life serving as a landing port for the enemy, in Jesus name. 

2. I recover every stolen ground of the enemy in my life due to cracks in my habits and mindset, in Jesus name. 

3. Blood of Jesus, please deliver me from traditional mindset that has kept my life in bondage, in Jesus name. 

4. I break the power of any sinful habits in my life making the devil happy, in Jesus name. 

5. Stronghold of sin, self, negative mindset, prayerlessness, laziness towards Bible study and Bible memorisation, break in my life, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 18

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