Friday, 3rdFebruary, 2017.
Bible reading: Prov. 30:30, 2 Cor. 6:14.
Memory Verse: “Having no fear of those who are against you; which is a clear sign of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God “Philippians 1:28(BBE).
1. Eagles are Fearless
An eagle will never surrender to the size or strength of its prey. It will always give a fight to win its prey and regain its territory. A Golden eagle displays remarkable hunting strategy by preying on goats much larger than it by throwing them off the cliff face.
No matter the size of that person or what weapon they may be holding, you would attack them without thought or regard for yourself. It wouldn’t even dawn on you to be afraid because your instinct is to protect that which you love and cherish. Successful students are fearless. They face problems head on. Are you having a challenge in your academics, come on, don’t resign to fate! Your area of weakness today could become your strength tomorrow, if you won’t quit.
2. Eagles Flock Together.
When they mix with other birds, they are just there to find something to eat after which they take off. As the old saying goes, “Birds of like feathers flock together.” Eagles do not mix with other birds but only enjoy flying at their high altitude. It is this characteristic that makes eagles unique birds. Again I say to you, carefully select your friends. 2Cor. 6:14 says, “Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness? (GWT).
Quote: To develop An Eagle Heart; Keep An Eagle company.
Prophetic Word: I command every evil magnet connecting you to unfriendly friends to catch fire, in Jesus name.
Prayer Point:
- I shall remain fearless in the pursuit of my God given destiny In the name of Jesus.
- I receive God’s grace to keep the right company, in Jesus name.