DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Sunday, 1st September, 2024

Bible Reading: Luke 6:46, Acts 5:29

Memory VerseFor as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14 (NKJV)

1. A great man of God from sub-Saharan African was about to leave his house amidst many protocols. God told him, “Drive yourself.” He immediately told his driver to hand over the car keys. But he noticed that the countenance of his driver changed drastically. He ignored it anyway. Along the road, they were attacked by armed men. They shot specifically at the owner’s corner, but of course, he wasn’t there. His driver had been compromised. You don’t always have to know the reason(s) why God told you to do certain things (infact, many times He won’t give you a reason). Just obey. It could save you from sudden death. 

2. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh but Jonah headed to Tarshish. Jonah eventually ended up in the belly of a fish. Many have travelled abroad without any divine authorisation. Now they have learnt that blessings come from above and not necessarily from abroad. Stay where God want you to stay per time. Home or abroad, just obey God’s direction. 

3. A certain man of God had a great restrain in his spirit not to travel for a scheduled revival meeting. He said he thought to himself, “I am a man of integrity” Hence, he went. Save for God’s mercies, he could have had a plane crash. Please listen carefully to this: What God is saying which is consistent with the scriptures is superior to what God had said. Revelation is progressive. You need to be current with God. Hence, a need for deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit. 

Now to you: You are still struggling with instructions such as, ‘present your body as a living sacrifice’, hence no smoking, no masturbation, no pornography, no lying, no stealing, no fornication, no adultery, etc., (Romans 12:1-2). How then do you grow in receiving more specific instructions about the consecration rites needed to fulfil your purpose in a grand style? Brethren, in this kingdom, no one will ever outgrow obedience to divine instructions. Make up your mind by the enablement of God’s Spirit to obey the instructions of the Lord whether it is hard on your flesh or not. 

QuoteObedience is the very sure way to show that you believe.

Prophetic Decree: Recover all you have lost as a result of disobedience, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. My Father, forgive me in every way I have been disobedient to your counsel, in Jesus name. 

2. Garment of obedience, overshadow my life, in Jesus name. 

3. Spirit of obedience, overshadow my heart, in Jesus name. 

4. Grace for complete obedience, come upon me, in Jesus name. 

5. O Lord, help me to be sensitive to pick up divine signals in my spirit, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Ezekiel 18-20

Hymn: Trust and Obey 

1. When we walk with the Lord

in the light of his word,

what a glory he sheds on our way!

While we do his good will,

he abides with us still,

and with all who will trust and obey.


Trust and obey, for there’s no other way

to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

2. Not a burden we bear,

not a sorrow we share,

but our toil he doth richly repay;

not a grief or a loss,

not a frown or a cross,

but is blest if we trust and obey. 


3. But we never can prove

the delights of his love

until all on the altar we lay;

for the favor he shows,

for the joy he bestows,

are for them who will trust and obey.


4. Then in fellowship sweet

we will sit at his feet,

or we’ll walk by his side in the way;

what he says we will do,

where he sends we will go;

never fear, only trust and obey. 


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